mdgriffith / elm-optimize-level-2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Projects that saw an effect

mdgriffith opened this issue · comments

If you've used elm-optimize-level-2 on your project and saw a noticeable difference, leave a comment here!

We'd love to know

  1. What your project is.
  2. What your performance bottleneck was before, if you know (e.g. we were doing a lot of parsing and we wanted it to be as fast as possible.)
  3. Any concrete numbers you may have(even if you saw a slowdown!)

Note - If elm-optimize-level-2 caused any sort of serious issue for you, file that as a separate issue! This issue is to track a general overview of reactions.

Interesting! I'm the author of GPXmagic. I do loads of simple list manipulation, and generally avoid optimising my code until I need to -- the primary data structure is a list of GPS coordinates. Sorry, no metrics, but it seems significantly faster on Chrome with your optimisations. --O3 breaks it.

    at $$update__aY (main.js:1392)
    at main.js:24509
    at $author$project$Main$renderVaryingSceneElements (main.js:24510)
    at $author$project$Main$renderTrackSceneElements (main.js:24460)
    at $author$project$Main$repeatTrackDerivations (main.js:24571)
    at $author$project$Main$applyTrack_fn (main.js:24696)
    at $author$project$Main$processGpxLoaded_fn (main.js:25622)
    at Function.$author$project$Main$update_fn [as a2] (main.js:32343)
    at A2 (main.js:1871)
    at Object.sendToApp [as g] (main.js:3190)```

General reaction is that it made software faster. I do a lot of financial calculations. If there would be example how to run elm-explorations/benchmark with and without your project would happily show the diff :)