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Shouldn't *.../.../...* be nested?

liwoxa opened this issue · comments

I want to do X

I wish

A *strongly emphasized bit with an inner /additionally/ emphasized bit*.

could be rendered as (1)

A <strong>strongly emphasized bit with an inner <em>additionally</em> emphasized bit</strong>.

but the design seems to prohibit this, only allowing something like (2)

A <strong>strongly emphasized bit with an inner </strong><strong><em>additionally</em></strong><strong> emphasized bit</strong>.

If only I could do Y

If the package would expose something like

type Nestable
  = Strong
  | Em
  | Del

Mark.textNestable : (Nestable -> text -> text) -> Block (List text)
--                              ------
--                     not sure about this part of the type

then instead of something like (1)

styledText styles string =
    if styles.bold then
        if styles.italic then
            Html.strong [] [ Html.em [] [ Html.text string ] ]
            Html.strong [] [ Html.text string ]
        if styles.italic then
            Html.em [] [ Html.text string ]
            Html.text string
-- For brevity I ignored `styles.strike`

textify = Mark.text styledText

I could write (2)

nestedText nest content =
    case nest of
        Bold ->
            Html.strong [] content
        Em ->
            Html.em [] content
        Del ->
            Html.del [] content

textify = Mark.textNestable nestedText