mdbloice / Patch-Augmentation

Code for the implemenation of the Patch Augmentation technique

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Patch Augmentation

Patch Augmentation is an novel image augmentation technique designed to improve model generalisation and mitigate against adversarial attacks.

For details, see the following pre-print: Patch augmentation: Towards efficient decision boundaries for neural networks, arXiv:1911.07922, Nov. 2019,

How it works

Patch Augmentation is a data-independent approach that creates new image data based on image/label pairs, where a patch from one of the two images in the pair is superimposed on to the other image, creating a new augmented sample.

Below is a visual example of the technique:


The augmented image label is a combination of the image pair's original labels. The labels for the dog and cat classes are [1.0, 0.0] and [0.0, 1.0] respectively. Clockwise from the upper left, the augmented image's labels are [0.72220625, 0.27779375], [0.2832, 0.7168], [0.0, 1.0], and [0.918925, 0.081075] respectively.

A notebook containing a reproducible experiment (training ResNet20v1 using the CIFAR-100 data set) can be found in the following notebook:


In the notebook above, Patch Augmentation improves a baseline accuracy of about 45% to over 61%.

The table below shows the technique being applied to several data sets and network architectures (test set accuracy):

Dataset Model No Augmentation Patch Augmentation
CIFAR-10 ResNet20v1 80.86% 89.33%
ResNet29v2 83.15% 91.19%
CIFAR-100 ResNet20v1 44.08% 61.41%
ResNet29v2 52.21% 68.06%

Robustness Against Adversarial Attacks

Initial experiments show networks trained with Patch Augmentation are more robust to adversarial attacks, see the following notebook for details:


Using the Fast Gradient Sign Method to create adversarial examples, the network trained with Patch Augmentation had an accuracy of 72.5% versus 64.3% compared to the network trained without augmentation.


Publication in review.

Pre-print available here: Patch augmentation: Towards efficient decision boundaries for neural networks, arXiv:1911.07922, Nov. 2019,

Repository made public on the 25th of October 2019.


Code for the implemenation of the Patch Augmentation technique

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 99.8%Language:Python 0.2%