md-5 / SpecialSource

Automatic generator and renamer of jar obfuscation mappings.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Suggestion: Include instructions on how to use SpecialSource in the ReadMe file

DalekCraft2 opened this issue · comments

Pretty self-explanatory. I want to include the libraries what Minecraft uses in the classpath of the decompiler so it produces less broken code, but I have no idea of where I learned to use this the first time, and this repository does not have any documentation.

java -cp $HOME/.m2/repository/net/md-5/SpecialSource/1.11.0/SpecialSource-1.11.0-shaded.jar:$HOME/.m2/repository/org/spigotmc/spigot/1.18-pre5-R0.1-SNAPSHOT/spigot-1.18-pre5-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-remapped-mojang.jar net.md_5.specialsource.SpecialSource --live -i $PLUGIN.jar -o $PLUGIN-obf.jar -m $HOME/.m2/repository/org/spigotmc/minecraft-server/1.18-pre5-R0.1-SNAPSHOT/minecraft-server-1.18-pre5-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-maps-mojang.txt --reverse
java -cp $HOME/.m2/repository/net/md-5/SpecialSource/1.11.0/SpecialSource-1.11.0-shaded.jar:$HOME/.m2/repository/org/spigotmc/spigot/1.18-pre5-R0.1-SNAPSHOT/spigot-1.18-pre5-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-remapped-obf.jar net.md_5.specialsource.SpecialSource --live -i $PLUGIN-obf.jar -o $PLUGIN.jar -m $HOME/.m2/repository/org/spigotmc/minecraft-server/1.18-pre5-R0.1-SNAPSHOT/minecraft-server-1.18-pre5-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-maps-spigot.csrg

I am actually decompiling the vanilla client jar, not the Spigot server.


--help is reasonably comprehensive. Basics: in, out, map file. You can use --live to include the classpath.

I am actually decompiling the vanilla client jar, not the Spigot server.

It should work in the same way, you have an input jar + an input map -> an output jar.
In the previous example md_5 runs the tool 2 times with two different maps (first with Mojang maps, then with Spigot maps)