mcuadros / go-defaults

Go structures with default values using tags

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Default for `time.Duration` not working when using units

wonderhoss opened this issue · comments

For fields of type time.Duration the documentation suggests that a default of "1m" should be parsed into the appropriate duration (i.e. 1 * time.Minute).
This does not seem to be working.

Defaults are only correctly applied when using numbers only (which are then interpreted as nanoseconds:

import (

type Foo struct {
	ConnectionTimeout time.Duration `default:"2000000000"`

func main() {
	c := &Foo{}
	fmt.Printf("Foo: %+v", c)


Foo: &{ConnectionTimeout:2s}


import (

type Foo struct {
	ConnectionTimeout time.Duration `default:"20s"`

func main() {
	c := &Foo{}
	fmt.Printf("Foo: %+v", c)


Foo: &{ConnectionTimeout:0s}