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Kinesis checkpointing does not work correctly when leasing multiple shards

Limess opened this issue · comments


The Kinesis checkpointing mechanism only updates a single shard per minute, rather than each shard that is subscribed.

In an application where multiple shard leases exist for a single worker, this leads to checkpoints drifting far from the actual last-behind fo the stream, we've observed up to 15 minutes of delay with 4 shard leases per worker.

This results in large amounts of duplicate work when a worker process is terminated as the checkpoint is not correctly maintained.


The checkpoint of each shard leased by a worker is updated approximately minutely.

What actually happens

The checkpoint of one shard is updated every minute


Amazonica version: 0.3.22

This seems to be due to a shared atom for each Kinesis worker, rather than creating an atom per record processor.