mcmonkeyprojects / KeyboardChatterBlocker

A handy quick tool for blocking mechanical keyboard chatter.

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Return Key Registered Every Program Start, Can't Edit Individual Key Thresholds

Shalashaskka opened this issue · comments

Every time the program starts, it seems to register the return key, even if I remove from the configuration pannel. The configuration file doesn't seem to be updating with the program if edited that way.

Furthemore, I seem to be unable to edit the individual chatter thresholdss of any keys registered to the configure keys tab, too. I used to be able to do it by double-clicking on the tab, but that function no longer seems to be working.

Return key registers itself because it is (or was?) difficult to register manually (I forget the details, it's been a while, but something was going wrong with the add-key interface for some users), and auto-registering seemed the simplest/easiest way to prevent issues there. I think it might actually be an outdated issue that no longer needs the fix, and either way is superseded by the solution to issue #4 , so I'll go ahead and remove the enter key ensurer thingy.

The config file can only be reliably edited by hand when the program is closed, otherwise the program might overwrite any changes.

For editing the threshold, double-clicking the current value is the way to do it, that hasn't changed.

  • Make sure you're clicking on the number of the value not the whitespace next to it. Not sure why that makes a different, will probably have to fix that, but you have to be over the number value not space atm.
  • Have you added a left mouse limiter? If so, that could prevent you from double-clicking. If so, you can uncheck Enable to let you click without restriction and then make any edits needed (including lowering the threshold on click probably to avoid the problem repeating).
  • Make sure you're clicking on the number of the value not the whitespace next to it. Not sure why that makes a different, will probably have to fix that, but you have to be over the number value not space atm.

I was trying that yesterday, but the program just wasn't repsonding, I suppose. I tried it today after a shutdown/bootup, and it works now. Just like you said though: only over top of the numeral. Maybe that's what I was doing wrong yesterday?

  • Have you added a left mouse limiter? If so, that could prevent you from double-clicking. If so, you can uncheck Enable to let you click without restriction and then make any edits needed (including lowering the threshold on click probably to avoid the problem repeating).

I have not added that (unless there's some secret way to enable that in your program, but I don't see it :P). I guess the error had to do with the program just not being responsive. As I said, it seems to be functioning just fine today. Thanks for looking into this!

(And also thanks for the program! It's been a massive help to handle my keyboard since it started chattering!)