mckracken83 / yii-sidr

This is a Yii Widget for the Sidr JQuery plugin

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

#yii-sidr This is a Yii Widget for the Sidr JQuery plugin

This is a Yii Widget for the Sidr JQuery plugin. This plugin enables you to build slide-out menus like JPanel, but for either or both sides of the browser. Also supports touch via the TouchSwipe JQuery plugin. Requirements

Yii 1.1 or above

##Usage Copy to your extensions directory, then use like so:

$this->widget('ext.yii-sidr.YiiSidr', array(
    'enableTouch'=>false, //optional: enable swipe control on touch devices
    'touchSelector'=>'.body', //optional: swipe selector
            'speed: //optional: A string or number determining how long the animation will run.
            'source: //optional: A jQuery selector, an url or a callback function.
            'renaming: //optional: When filling the sidr with existing content, choose to rename or not the classes and ids.
            'body: //optional: For doing the page movement the 'body' element is animated by default, you can select another element to animate with this option.
            'displace: //optional: Displace the body content or not.
            'onOpen: function() {} //optional: Callback that will be executed on open.
            'onClose: function() {} //optional: Callback that will be executed on close.



This is a Yii Widget for the Sidr JQuery plugin


Language:JavaScript 94.8%Language:PHP 5.2%