mckib2 / pygrappa

Python implementations of GRAPPA-like algorithms.

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Aliasing artifacts

estab1 opened this issue · comments


so I was trying to use grappa which worked as intented at first. But as soon as I started to create error images abs(reconstructed_image - reference_image) , I realized that grappa is producing aliasing artifacts.
The error is also reproducible with the example provided in examples/ Therefore you only have to add the following code at the end of the example:

reference_img = np.zeros((2*N, 2*N))
kk = 0
for idx in np.ndindex((2, 2)):
    ii, jj = idx[:]
    reference_img[ii*N:(ii+1)*N, jj*N:(jj+1)*N] = abs(imspace[..., kk])
    kk += 1
plt.imshow(abs(reference_img-res0), cmap='gray')

Before using pygrappa I was using PULSAR which is a grappa implementation for matlab and aliasing artifacts weren't a problem.
So my question is, am I missing something or is this a bug.

(I also tried using cgrappa and mdgrappa which led to the same results.)

Hi @estab1 , thanks for reporting! I'll have more time to look at this a little later today, but I think I've run into relative scaling issues in the past, so normalizing both the reference and reconstruction before comparing may help. I've not used PULSAR before, but I can take a look and see if there are any obvious differences in reconstruction technique -- is the demo recon.m script a good place to start?


Thanks for your quick reply. recon.m contains all the parameters needed for the reconstruction. And grappa.m contains the algorithm itself. So you probably need both to understand the reconstruction technique.

So I took a look at that recon.m and grappa.m and I think these are similar parameters to what's happening there:

  • R=2
  • 32 ACS lines
  • 90% of FE lines used

The following modified script attempts to replicate these:
'''Replicate PULSAR recon.'''

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from phantominator import shepp_logan

from pygrappa import grappa

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Generate fake sensitivity maps: mps
    N = 128
    ncoils = 4
    xx = np.linspace(0, 1, N)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(xx, xx)
    mps = np.zeros((N, N, ncoils))
    mps[..., 0] = x**2
    mps[..., 1] = 1 - x**2
    mps[..., 2] = y**2
    mps[..., 3] = 1 - y**2

    # generate 4 coil phantom
    ph = shepp_logan(N)
    imspace = ph[..., None]*mps
    imspace = imspace.astype('complex')
    ax = (0, 1)
    kspace = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(
        np.fft.ifftshift(imspace, axes=ax), axes=ax), axes=ax)

    # crop 32x90% window from the center of k-space for calibration
    pd = 16
    ctr = int(N/2)
    calib = kspace[ctr-pd:ctr+pd, int(.05*N):-int(.05*N), :].copy()

    # calibrate a kernel
    kernel_size = (7, 7)

    # undersample by a factor of 2 in ky
    kspace[:, 1::2, ...] = 0

    # reconstruct:
    res = grappa(
        kspace, calib, kernel_size, coil_axis=-1, lamda=0.01)

    # replace calib
    #res[ctr-pd:ctr+pd, int(.05*N):-int(.05*N), :] = calib

    # SOS recon
    res = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft2(
        np.fft.ifftshift(res, axes=ax), axes=ax), axes=ax))**2, axis=-1))

    # SOS truth
    truth = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(imspace)**2, axis=-1))
    residual = np.abs(res - truth)

    plt.title('Residual | recon - truth |')
    plt.imshow(residual, vmin=0, vmax=residual.flatten().max(), cmap='gray')

The results I'm getting seem alright -- I was not able to run PULSAR because I don't have easy access to MATLAB. Do you know if it runs in Octave? A couple notes:

  • The unmodified is reconstructing a different scenario: R=4 (Rx=Ry=2) with a smaller calibration region (20x20)
  • you are comparing the coil reconstructions to truth -- this in general will not look good because the SNR of any single coil is worse than the combined reconstruction. I recommend doing SOS on the reconstructed coil images for a good comparison
  • try tuning the kernel size: larger kernels run slower but produce less residual, I found (7, 7) to be a good compromise
  • replacing the calibration region into your reconstructed k-space will help (if the calibration region came from your collected data, that is)
  • The quality of the coil sensitivities might also be in question -- I generated 4 very simple non-complex coil sensitivities. You might try experimenting with more/better coils

EDIT: screen shots for posterity


Cranking kernel size and replacing calibration region:


Thank you very much for your reply. I replicated your results with using my own phantom data and realized that PULSAR for matlab is producing the same results. I got confused about the results using because I forgot to add Gaussian noise to the k-space like I was doing in my matlab script. And thank you for the tip how to improve the image quality.