mcheo / nap-dos-demo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



NGINX App Protect DoS has been released early July 2021. You may refer to this doc for more information, including getting trial license for testing.

The purpose of this repo is to provide an easy setup for learning and demonstrating NAP DoS.

I have cloned the NAP DoS dashboard from into this repo for ease of setup.


  1. Build NAP DoS Docker image
    Follow the instruction in the official doc to build a local docker container app-protect-dos image.

  2. Clone the repo

git clone
cd nap-dos-demo
  1. Step up the stacks
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up -d

The stack consists of 5 containers:

  • NGINX App Protect DoS instance
  • Juice Shop as backend app server
  • Legitimate container to generate good traffic
  • Attacker container to generate attack traffic
  • Elasticsearch for NAP DoS dashboard
  1. Complete Elasticsearch setup
    Use browser to visit http://localhost:5601, once the page loads successfully which means startup has completed, execute the following steps:
Step 3.1
curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  "transient": {
    "cluster.routing.allocation.disk.threshold_enabled": "false"

Step 3.2
curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/_all/_settings?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
	"index.blocks.read_only_allow_delete": null

Step 3.3
cd elk

curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/app-protect-dos-logs"  -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d  @apdos_mapping.json

curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9200/app-protect-dos-logs/_mapping"  -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d  @apdos_geo_mapping.json

Step 3.4

jq -s . kibana/apdos-dashboard.ndjson | jq '{"objects": . }' | \
curl -k --location --request POST "$KIBANA_CONTAINER_URL/api/kibana/dashboards/import" \
    --header 'kbn-xsrf: true' \
    --header 'Content-Type: text/plain' -d @- \
    | jq

  1. Enable NAP DoS logging
    Edit nginx/nginx.conf file and uncomment the following 2 lines:
#app_protect_dos_security_log "/etc/app_protect_dos/log-default.json" syslog:server=elasticsearch:5261;

#access_log syslog:server=elasticsearch:5561 log_dos if=$loggable;

Execute NGINX reload

docker exec -it nap-dos-demo_nginx_1 nginx -s reload

You may browse the Juice Shop application at http://localhost

  1. Generate baseline traffic
docker exec -it nap-dos-demo_legitimate_1 /bin/bash
cd /home
chmod 755

For a start, let it runs for at least 8-10 minutes. Let NAP DoS does its initial baselining. If everything is working as expected, Elasticsearch AP_DOS: AppProtectDOS dashboard should display charts.

You may visit the Elasticsearch dashboard at http://localhost:5601

- Default dashboard has filter, apply or remove filter as you wish.
  1. Generate attack traffic
    While the good traffic still running at the background, you may start the attack traffic
docker exec -it nap-dos-demo_attacker_1 /bin/bash
cd /home
chmod 755

Interpret the Graph

The general idea is NAP DoS leverage on its ML to perform behaviour dos mitigation. No manual (human) tuning, re-tuning required.

  • When the attack happens, a sharp increase of traffic in "AP_DOS: Client HTTP transaction/s" panel and "AP_DOS: Server HTTP transactions/s"
  • NGINX detects server stress, spike in "AP_DOS: Server_stress_level" panel
  • Initially, NGINX will goes into self defense mode by doing global challenge. Red patch (Redirect/Challenge global RPS) shows in "AP_DoS: HTTP Mitigation" panel
  • Once NAP DoS gather sufficient data and generate dynamic attack signatures in response to this particular attack, attack signature shows in "AP_DoS: Attack Signatures" panel, purple patch (Redirect/Challenge signatures RPS) shows in "AP_DOS: HTTP Mitigation" panel. At thsi time NAP DoS is doing targeted mitigation instead of global mitigation.
    Note: This dynamic attack signature is crafted for this specific attack, highly accurate and reduce false positive. If attacker re-tool and tweak its attack, NAP DoS will auto regenerate a new dynamic signature for the new attack.
  • If the attack prolongs and those source IP has been identified as bad actors in "AP_DOS: Detected bad actors" panel, yellow patch (Redirect/Challenge bad actors RPS) shows in "AP_DOS: HTTP Mitigation" panel
  • Despite the attack traffic keeps coming in (high traffic in "AP_DOS: Client HTTP transaction/s" panel), NAP DoS has mitigate and send only legitimate traffic to backend server (lower traffic in "AP_DOS: Server HTTP transactions/s" panel). As a good user, you may visit the page in http://localhost and it is working fine.
  • There is Start and End bell flag in the charts that signifiy start and end of attack.



Language:Shell 100.0%