mayurloved / Html5Video

A Phonegap plugin that allows playback of local video files using html 5 video tags

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cordova Html5Video Plugin


This plugin allows playback of local video files using embedded html 5 video tags. This repository contains both the plugin files and a sample Android application that uses the plugin. Tested on Android API 15 - 17


  1. Create your cordova project: cordova create ProjectName
  2. Add platforms: cordova platform add android
  3. Add the plugin: cordova plugin add

The next changes should be done inside your PlatformName/www folder

  1. Create any video tags within your html pages as normal, making sure to give each video tag an id. The video tags should be empty, ie no tags inside
  2. Add any poster image files to your www folder

The next changes should be done inside your ProjectName/platforms/android folder

  1. Make sure the tag in AndroidManifest.xml has android:hardwareAccelerated="true"

  2. Create a folder called raw inside the res folder and put any video files in it. (not poster image files)

  3. run cordova build

  4. launch app

Code Usage

After device ready, call window.plugins.html5Video.initialize({"video1":"video1file.mp4", "video2":"video2file.mp4"}).

Anytime you wish to play a video, call"video1", callback).


A Phonegap plugin that allows playback of local video files using html 5 video tags