Mayur290 / crud-node

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Authentication & Authorization

/api/register (POST)

  • Registeration

    • Create Routes

      • Controllers
    • validate Request ( Joi npm package)

          "email": "",
  • Autherize Request

  • check if User exist

  • create model User-> ( name*, email*, password* , role(customer) )

  • store in DB

  • generate JWT Token ( jsonwebtoken npm package, {payload, JWT_SECRET, expiry})

  • Send Response (access_token)

/api/login (POST)

  • Login
      "email": "",

/api/me (Get)

  • gives details of user, require access_token

  • Create middleWare for Authentication

    Autherization: Bearer <access_token>
  • Generating Refresh token : On Registration & Login

/api/refresh (POST)

  • Creating End Point to get new access_token by sending refresh_token

      "refresh_token": "<refresh_token>"

/api/logout (POST)

  • Create End Point to delete 'refresh_token' of user
  • access_token required in header, and refresh_token in body


  • Create /api/products (POST)

    • Create Product Model( name*, price*, size*, image*)
    • using 'multer' for multipart data
    • files will be uploaded to folder named 'uploads'
    • fs (link, unlink) for handdling files
  • Read => get All

    • for large use pagination ( mongoose-pagination)

    • to get in some order, .sort({_id: -1}) sorts on descending order of id

      • Current all images don't have complete paths with server

        -> updating image attribute of ProductSchema of Product Model, and and one more property besides *timestamps\*
              image: { type: String, required: true, get: (image)=>{ return`{APP_URL}/${image}`;
              {timestamps: true, *toJSON: {getters:true}*}
        -> update env
            APP_URL = http://localhost:5000
        -> Create upload api (to serve static file)
            app.use('/uploads', express.static('uploads'))

    => get Single

    • As id is duplicate in response , update ProductSchema, Add one more property besides timestamps {timestamps: true, toJSON: {getters:true}, *id:false*}
  • Update /api/products/<product_id> (PUT)

    • only authenticated admin can update , creating middleware for same
    • .findOneAndUpdate({}, {}, {})
  • Delete /api/producst/<product*id> (DELETE)

    • only authenticated admin can delete
    • .findOneAndRemove({})
    • const imagePath = document.*_doc_.image;



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