maybeLx / MVSFormerPlusPlus

Codes of MVSFormer++: Revealing the Devil in Transformer’s Details for Multi-View Stereo (ICLR2024)

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MVSFormer++: Revealing the Devil in Transformer’s Details for Multi-View Stereo (ICLR2024)


[arXiv] [openreview]

  • Releasing codes of training and testing

  • Releasing pre-trained models trained on DTU

  • Releasing pre-trained models fine-tuned on Tanks&Temples and test code.

  • NEWS: Updating a script to process mvs data with depth range free cameras (such as nerf transforms.json)


​ Please first see FlashAttention2 for original requirements and compilation instructions, or you should make sure torch>=2.1 to use F.scaled_dot_product_attention with custom scales.

git clone
cd MVSFormerPlusPlus
pip install -r requirements.txt

​ We also highly recommend to install fusibile from ( for the depth fusion.

git clone
cd fusibile
cmake .

Tips: You should revise CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS in CMakeLists.txt according the gpu device you used. We set -gencode arch=compute_70,code=sm_70 instead of -gencode arch=compute_60,code=sm_60 with V100 GPUs. For other GPU types, you can follow

# 1080Ti
-gencode arch=compute_60,code=sm_60

# 2080Ti
-gencode arch=compute_75,code=sm_75

# 3090Ti
-gencode arch=compute_86,code=sm_86

# V100
-gencode arch=compute_70,code=sm_70

More compile relations could be found in here


Please refer to MVSFormer


Pretrained weights


Training MVSFormer++ on DTU with 4 48GB A6000 GPUs costs around 1 day. We set the max epoch=15 in DTU.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python --config config/mvsformer++.json \
                                             --exp_name MVSFormer++ \

We should finetune our model based on BlendedMVS before the testing on Tanks&Temples.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python --config ./saved/models/DINOv2/mvsformer++/mvsformer++_ft.json  \
                                             --exp_name MVSFormer++_blendedmvs_dtu_mixed_M0 \
                                             --dataloader_type "BlendedLoader" \
                                             --data_path ${YOUR_BLENDEMVS_PATH}
                                             --dtu_model_path ./saved/models/DINOv2/mvsformer++/model_best.pth \
                                             --finetune \
                                             --balanced_training \


Pretrained models and additional pair.txt : OneDrive

For testing on DTU:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --dataset dtu --batch_size 1  \
                                      --testpath ${dtu_test_path}   --testlist ./lists/dtu/test.txt   \
                                      --resume ${MODEL_WEIGHT_PATH}   \
                                      --outdir ${OUTPUT_DIR}   --interval_scale 1.06 --num_view 5   \
                                      --numdepth 192 --max_h 1152 --max_w 1536 --filter_method gipuma   \
                                      --disp_threshold 0.1 --num_consistent 2 --prob_threshold 0.5

Test on your own data

Our MVSFormer++ requires camera parameters and view selection file. If you do not have them, you can use Colmap to estimate cameras and convert them to MVSNet format by Please arrange your files as follows.

- <dense_folder>
    - images_col  # input images of Colmap
    - sparse_col  # SfM output from colmap in .txt format
    - cams        # output MVSNet cameras, to be generated
    - images      # output MVSNet input images, to be generated
    - pair.txt    # output view selection file, to be generated
    - undistorted  # undistorted images folder, contains cams, images, pair.txt, sparse

An example of running Colmap

colmap feature_extractor \
    --database_path <dense_folder>/database.db \
    --image_path <dense_folder>/images_col

colmap exhaustive_matcher \
    --database_path <dense_folder>/database.db

colmap mapper \
    --database_path <dense_folder>/database.db \
    --image_path <dense_folder>/images_col \
    --output_path <dense_folder>/sparse_col

colmap model_converter \
    --input_path <dense_folder>/sparse_col/0 \
    --output_path <dense_folder>/sparse_col \
    --output_type TXT

colmap image_undistorter --image_path <dense_folder>/images_col \
        --input_path <dense_folder>/sparse_col/0 \
        --output_path <dense_folder>/undistorted  \
        --output_type COLMAP
cd <dense_folder>/undistorted && mv images images_col

Run by

python --dense_folder <dense_folder>/undistorted --max_d 256 --convert_format

For poses without sparse points (nerf poses), which is necessary for achieving depth range, we recommend use instead. Note that you should activate nerf2opencv to to process nerf poses with different coordinates.

python --dense_folder <dense_folder> --max_d 256 --save_ply --nerf2opencv

Please note that: the resolution of input images must be divisible by 64. we can change the parameter of max_h and max_w. For test on your own dataset:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --dataset dtu --batch_size 1  \
                                      --testpath ${scene_test_path}   --testlist ${scene_test_list}   \
                                      --resume ${MODEL_WEIGHT_PATH}   \
                                      --outdir ${OUTPUT_DIR}   --interval_scale 1.06 --num_view 5   \
                                      --numdepth 192 --max_h ${max_h} --max_w ${max_w} --filter_method dpcd   \
                                      --conf 0.5


If you found our program helpful, please consider citing:

      title={MVSFormer++: Revealing the Devil in Transformer's Details for Multi-View Stereo}, 
      author={Chenjie Cao, Xinlin Ren and Yanwei Fu},
      booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},


We borrow the code from VisMVSNet, MVSFormer. We express gratitude for these works' contributions!


Codes of MVSFormer++: Revealing the Devil in Transformer’s Details for Multi-View Stereo (ICLR2024)

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%