mayadata-io / d-operators

Declarative patterns to write kubernetes controllers

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use case: visualise metrics stored as json files in S3

AmitKumarDas opened this issue · comments

ProblemStatement: As an automation engineer I collect various metrics as json format & upload them to S3. I want to visualise the same on Grafana like visualisation tools running in some K8s setup.

High Level Design Drafts - 0

This design is split across multiple custom resources:

- [1] Fetch metrics in json files from S3

  • Command resource should delete resources that were created by it earlier
  • Command custom resource to fetch files from S3
  • This Command resource should run every day once (configurable)
  • A TTL based ConfigMap can act as a lock to reconcile Command after 24 hours only
  • Command resource should wrap each metrics file as a ConfigMap with labels
  • Any failure in reconciling Command resource should be retried in some interval
  • Command status should say when the last successful reconciliation was done
  • Command resource will apply a new custom resource called PrometheusLoader

- [2] Upload json files containing metrics to Prometheus

  • Implement PrometheusLoader as a custom resource
  • It should translate all the relevant ConfigMaps as Prometheus metrics & upload the later
  • Schema to translate data from json structure to prometheus metrics needs to be designed
  • This schema itself will be a json structure that can be wrapped inside a ConfigMap
  • Any failure to reconcile PrometheusLoader will be retried

- [3] Implement a TTL based Lock

  • Existence of a ConfigMap is considered as a lock
  • This ConfigMap can be created by other controllers with exact labels
  • This ConfigMap should also have a label with Time To Live i.e. TTL
  • The corresponding controller will delete this ConfigMap once its TTL expires

- All the custom resources will be implemented as ConfigMaps
- This will be done to avoid the need of applying Custom Resource Definition(s)