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Making containerized kubelets use host iSCSI initiator

niladrih opened this issue · comments

Kubernetes flavours which use containerized kubelets tend to have 2 sets of iSCSI initiator packages available to them:

  1. Those on the host machine
  2. Those on the kubelet container

This causes conflict for Jiva/cStor storage engine pods trying to use an initiator.

CSI-volumes use the initiators on the host, and not inside the kubelet container. Going forward, the host initiators will have to be the initiators of choice. This will require us to do the following:

  1. Install iSCSI initiator packages on the host (if not present)
  2. Mount /etc/iscsi, /sbin/iscsiadm, /var/lib/iscsi, /lib/modules on to the kubelet container
  3. Make the host initiator start with the init system to make the changes persistent.

For Rancher, this will involve making changes to cluster.yml (for rke cli setups) and making changes to the cluster config on the GUI based Rancher setup.