maxxfrazer / FocusEntity

Bringing the scanning box from SceneKit to RealityKit

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Cannot use focusEntity 2.2.3 with Xcode 13-Beta2

natchanonSCG opened this issue · comments

dyld: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/RealityFoundation.framework/RealityFoundation
Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/8D110FAF-932D-4910-BCE9-169EE48D339E/
Reason: image not found
dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries


  • iOS Version - 13
  • Device Information - iPAD 2020
  • macOS Version - 11.3.1 (20E241)
  • Xcode Version - 13 Beta 2

I was able to fix it by adding Reality.Foundation.framework in Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content.

Then changed Build Phases of RealityFoundation.framework to "Optional" in Link Binary With Libraries

Screen Shot 2564-06-25 at 13 35 11

Screen Shot 2564-06-25 at 13 37 17

i believe this is a bug from the beta, we shouldn't even see RealityFoundation. thanks for finding a fix for beta users though!
let's see if this issue persists through the future beta versions

Still happening in beta 3.
Did anyone file a FB already?

I filed a FB about the RealityFoundation import appearing a while ago. But I just tried adding this package to a temporary project and didn't have the issue you're describing:
Screenshot 2021-07-26 at 20 17 46
Screenshot 2021-07-26 at 20 18 32

I'm going to close this issue, as I cannot reproduce locally, so am assuming it's working fine now. Please leave a comment if this is persisting for you!

Still happening with Xcode 13.0 final (13A233) for me

I just made a new project with Xcode 13.0 (13A233), added FocusEntity and it is building + running fine on my phone.

All I changed was what can be seen in this file + camera usage description.

Is there anything else that could be different about your setup?
Is this error message appearing on build?
Have you tried to clean the build folder etc?

Screenshot 2021-10-14 at 14 14 01

I can't get this to reproduce locally, so am going to have to close this unless there are some consistently reproducible steps from a clean project.

OK I've found a device that happens on! on an iPhone X.

I'll do some testing with it, will try come up with a solution that won't need manual changing of build phases

Assuming this is all good new, closing!