maxtaco / tamejs

JavaScript code rewriter for taming async-callback-style code

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Some feature requests?

opened this issue · comments

I think this would be very helpful.

tamejs -c ./file.tjs
Creates file.js.

tamejs -c -o /dir1 /dir2
All in dir2 compile to dir1 while maintaining sub directory struct.

Other options:
-iext = tjs
-oext = js
(input and output extensions customizable for directories)

This would be really nice to compile instead of registering .tjs

Browser compatible TameJS (Is this possible?)

Not important - but since you may know, maybe some way to make it compatible with CoffeeScript without using embedded js ``?

--- The ability to customize file extension, so instead of having to use .tjs if you .register you can do .register('.tamejs') or .register('.js') 'syntax highlighting while working with file without changing editor up at all'

Thanks for the feature requests, now working through some of them... I made register work the way you describe in the most recent checkins.