maxrzepka / music-as-data

Music on the web with overtone

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Give a pure data representation of music

Transcript a simple overtone example funk.clj into plain clj datastructure

This original code in overtone

(defn drums [nome]
    (let [beat (nome)]
        ; hi-hat pattern
        (at (nome beat) (close-hihat))
        (at (nome (+ 1 beat)) (open-hihat))
        (at (nome (+ 2 beat)) (close-hihat))
        (at (nome (+ 3 beat)) (close-hihat))
        (at (nome (+ 4 beat)) (close-hihat))
        (at (nome (+ 5 beat)) (open-hihat))
        (at (nome (+ 6 beat)) (close-hihat))
        (at (nome (+ 7 beat)) (close-hihat))

        ; snare pattern
        (at (nome (+ 2 beat)) (snare))
        (at (subdivide (nome (+ 2 beat)) (nome (+ 4 beat)) 3) (snare))
        (at (subdivide (nome (+ 4 beat)) (nome (+ 6 beat)) 1) (snare))
        (at (nome (+ 6 beat)) (snare))
        (at (subdivide (nome (+ 6 beat)) (nome (+ 8 beat)) 3) (snare))

        ; kick drum pattern
        (at (nome beat) (kick))
        (at (nome (+ 5 beat)) (kick))
        (at (nome (+ 7 beat)) (kick))
        (apply-at (nome (+ 8 beat)) drums nome [])))
[[:close-hihat 0 2 3 4 6 7]
 [:open-hihat 1 5]
 [:snare 2 7/2 9/2 6 15/2]
 [:kick 0 5 7]]

Other sound can be written like [:freesound 1234] [:string 51]

Then convert data into overtone music (play (compose data) 120) .


To run the web app :

  • lein repl
  • start overtone server : user=> (use '[overtone.core :as c]) (c/boot-internal-server))
  • compile music-as-data.web
  • run server (music-as-data.web/start port)


  • Righ-side Vertical Panel : list of all sounds available , add new one from freesound
  • Middle panel : lines of sound each line is decompose in 8 cells : checked cell = sound
  • Play current composition with live changes
  • Record sound to mp3 file.


  • Find way to deploy/run overtone webapp.


Copyright © 2012 Maximilien Rzepka

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


Music on the web with overtone


Language:JavaScript 93.2%Language:Clojure 6.8%