maxkaido / turk2023

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wiki Wager (turk2023)

This project is also known as Wiki Crypto Bet. You can find more information at

hackathon story


Setup Instructions

Follow these steps to set up and run the project:

  1. Install Dependencies Navigate to the functions directory and install the necessary dependencies:

    cd functions-hardhat-starter-kit
    yarn install
  2. Set Environment Variables Use npx env-enc set to set the following environment variables:

  3. Compile the Project Use the following command to compile the project:

    yarn compile
  4. Deploy on Sepolia and Get Contract Address

    yarn hardhat run --network ethereumSepolia scripts/deployWikiWagerSepolia.js

    After deploying, make sure to get the contract address.

  5. Add Contract Address to Subscription Add the contract address to your subscription.

    npx hardhat functions-sub-add --subid SUB_ID --contract CONTRACT_ADDRESS --network ethereumSepolia
  6. Copy Artifacts Copy the build artifacts to the web directory:

    cp build/artifacts/contracts/WikiWager.sol/WikiWager.json ../web/artifacts/
  7. Install Web Dependencies Navigate to the web directory and install the necessary dependencies:

    cd ../web
    yarn install
  8. Update Contract Address Update src/pages/turkey-2023.js with the contract address.

  9. Run the Development Server Use the following command to run the development server:

    yarn dev
  10. Visit Localhost Open your web browser and visit http://localhost:3000 to make a bet.

  11. Fulfill the Request Navigate back to the functions-hardhat-starter-kit directory:

    cd ../functions-hardhat-starter-kit/

    Use the following command to fulfill the request:

    npx hardhat functions-request --subid SUB_ID --contract CONTRACT_ADDRESS --network ethereumSepolia

    Press the "Declare via DON" button to fulfill the request.

  12. Repeat Request and Fulfillment After 5 minutes, repeat the request and fulfillment process.

  13. Claim Winnings Users can claim their winnings by pressing the "Claim winnings" button.

Please note that you'll need to replace SUB_ID and CONTRACT_ADDRESS with your actual subscription ID and contract address, respectively.



Language:JavaScript 63.3%Language:Solidity 35.4%Language:TypeScript 1.1%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:CSS 0.0%