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splitting server.js file

victorKochkarev opened this issue · comments

server.js file contains the complete server functionality.
I think it might be a good idea to start splitting it up.
It might be good to move out database initialisation into a separate file.
HTTP method handlers could be grouped into different controllers.

These actions might make the project better organised and more maintainable.

I would be happy to the work.

Not opposed to it but I kind of like that right now, server.js is relatively small and fits into one file.

If you were to split it, how would you factor it, something like this?


What are your thoughts?

I would even try to go even more granular.

It could be something like this:

server/controllers/projects.js - to handle all projects related requests
server/controllers/users.js - to handle all user-related requests
server/controllers/public.js - for all pages and static content handling.

server/db/init.js - method to handle initial database migration.

Later another layer of services could be introduced.
It can be taken step by step.

Here are a few random articles that describe the similar pattern.

At the moment server.js sits under 700LOC and I'd like to keep it relatively simple and minimalistic. I like that you can quickly look at the whole thing at a glance and that it's not split into 4+ different source files. If it's going to be split, I'd rather not split it into multiple subdirectories.