maxibor / DNA_tools

A set of tools to play with/analyze genomics data

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A set of tools for to play with/analyze genomics data

  • : creates a random sequence of DNA of length K

    usage : python K

  • : computes the length of DNA sequences in a Fasta file

    usage : python file.fa

  • : computes the revese complement of a DNA sequence

    usage : python CGGGTA

  • faStats : compute sequence length of all sequences in a fasta file

    usage : python faStats file.fa

  • : compute melting temperature of a sequence

    usage : DnaSequence

  • : returns the specie/organism name given an ENTREZ id.

    usage : python 1567

  • : splits a merged paired-end Illumina {basename}.fastq (or compressed fastq.gz) file in {basename}.R1.fastq and {basename}.R2.fastq

    usage : python paired_end_file.fastq

  • centrifuge2krona : converts a centrifuge output file to a krona visualisation using centrifuge-kreport and ktImportTaxonomy.

    usage : centrifuge2krona centrifuge_file.out

  • sam_filter : filters a sam file on identity percentage and alignment length.

    usage: sam_filter file.sam

  • bam_filter : filters a bam file on identity percentage

    usage: bam_filter file.bam

  • filterFastaByLength : filters a fasta file on sequence length (min and max)

    usage: filterFastaByLength -min 1 -max 66 file.fa

  • krakenTometaphlan : converts a [Kraken] style report to a [Metaphlan] style report

    usage: krakenTometaphlan -o metaphlan_report.txt kraken_report.txt

  • consensusMaker : creates a consensus fasta from a samtools mpileup file

    usage : consensusMaker -o myconsensus.fa infile.mpileup

  • bed2coverage : computes the 10th percentile coverage for each feature in a BED file

    usage : bed2coverage infile.bed

  • filterFastaByName: filters a fasta file given a list of sequence names

    usage : filterFastaByName infile.fasta seqnames_to_keep.txt -o outfile.fa

  • eslfasta2fastq: Extracts the headers of fasta file formatted by Easel (hmmer toolkit) and get the matching fastq records

  • usage : eslfasta2fastq fasta_input forward.fq -fq2 reverse.fq

  • parallel_download: Download files from a list of files (on file per line) in a parallel fashion using multiprocessing, and subprocess calling wget

    usage: parallel_download list_of_files.txt

  • fasta_split: Splits fasta sequences in shorter sequences, using a negative binomial distribution usage: python -m 800 input_sequences.fa

  • compare_fasta_seqs: Compare two or more sequences in a fasta file usage: compare_fasta_seqs multifasta.fa

To add the tools to your command prompt

  • Option 1 : use aliases in your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc file to add each tool one by one (replace /path/to/DNA_tools/ with the location of the tool)

example :

echo "alias revcom=python /path/to/DNA_tools/" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
  • Option 2 : Add all the DNA tools at once to your $PATH environment variable (replace /path/to/ with the location of the DNA_tools directory)

example :

echo "export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/DNA_tools/" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc


A set of tools to play with/analyze genomics data

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%