maxgronlund / kitchen-hyperv

Hyper-V Driver for Test-Kitchen

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status

Gem Version

This is a Test Kitchen driver for Microsoft Hyper-V.


Make sure you have hyper-v installed on your system first:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V -All

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'kitchen-hyperv'


In the .kitchen.yml

  name: 'hyperv'

Required parameters

Driver parameters

  • parent_vhd_folder
    • Location of the base vhd files
  • parent_vhd_name
    • Vhd file name for the base vhd file

Transport parameters

  • password
    • Password used to connect to the instance

Optional parameters

  • memory_startup_bytes
    • amount of RAM to assign to each virtual machine. Defaults to 536,870,912.
  • processor_count
    • number of virtual processors to assign to each virtual machine. Defaults to 2.
  • dynamic_memory
    • if true, the amount of memory allocated to a virtual machine is adjusted by Hyper-V dynamically. Defaults to false.
  • dynamic_memory_min_bytes / dynamic_memory_max_bytes
    • The minimum and maximum amount of memory Hyper-V will allocate to a virtual machine if dynamic_memory is enabled. Defaults to 536,870,912 and 2,147,483,648 (512MB-2GB)
  • ip_address
    • IP address for the virtual machine. If the VM is not on a network with DHCP, this can be used to assign an IP that can be reached from the host machine.
  • subnet
    • The subnet of the virtual machine. Defaults to
  • gateway
    • The default gateway of the virtual machine.
  • dns_servers
    • A list of DNS Servers that can be reached on the virtual network.
  • vm_switch
    • The virtual switch to attach the guest VMs. Defaults to the first switch returned from Get-VMSwitch.
  • vm_vlan_id
    • The VLAN ID to assign the virtual network adapter on the VM (Valid values: 1-4094). Defaults to untagged.
  • iso_path
    • Path on the host to the ISO to mount on the VMs.
  • boot_iso_path
    • Path on the host to the ISO to mount before starting the VMs.
  • vm_generation
    • The generation for the hyper-v VM. Defaults to 1.
  • disable_secureboot
    • Boolean. If true, will disable secure boot for the VM. Only applies if vm_generation=2. Defaults to false.
  • enable_guest_services
    • Enable the Hyper-V Integration Guest services for the VM before starting it. Hyper-V defauls is false (true|false)
  • disk_type
    • The type of virtual disk to create, .VHD or .VHDX. Defaults to the file extension of the parent virtual hard drive.
  • resize_vhd
    • Resize the disk to the specified size. Leave empty to keep the original size. Only works on newly created VM's. Defaults to empty.
  • additional_disks
    • An array of hashes (name,size_gb, and type) of additional disks to attach to the VM.
    • Required parameters:
      • name
        • Unique name for the virtual disk.
    • Optional parameters:
      • size_gb
        • Integer. If not provided, will default to 5.
      • type
        • The type of virtual disk to create, .VHD or .VHDX. Defaults to the file extension of the parent virtual hard drive.
    • Example:
  name: hyperv
  parent_vhd_folder: 'D:\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks'
  parent_vhd_name: tk_test.vhdx
    - name: disk1
      size_gb: 10
    - name: disk2
      size_gb: 50
      type: .VHD
  • vm_note
    • A note to add to the VM's note field. Defaults to empty.
  • copy_vm_files
    • An array of hashes (source and dest) of files or directories to copy over to the system under test. Requires enable_guest_services to be true.
    • example:
  name: hyperv
    - source: c:/users/steven/downloads/chef-client-12.19.36-1-x64.msi
      dest: c:/users/administrator/appdata/local/temp/chef-client-12.19.36-1-x64.msi
  • static_mac_address
    • String value specifying a static MAC Address to be set at virtual machine creation time.
    • Hyper-V will automatically assign a valid dynamic address if your input doesn't give a valid MAC Address.
    • example: static_mac_address: '00155d123456'

Image Configuration

The following changes need to be made to a Windows image that is going to be used for testing. This is not an exhaustive list and, your milage may vary.

Ubuntu and other Linux virtual machines may require installation of cloud tools to allow Hyper-V to determine the virtual machine's IP.


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/kitchen-hyperv/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Hyper-V Driver for Test-Kitchen



Language:PowerShell 96.5%Language:Ruby 3.4%Language:Batchfile 0.1%