maxgoedjen / secretive

Store SSH keys in the Secure Enclave

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SecretAgent deadlocked after Sonoma 14.4.1 upgrade

mischaelschill opened this issue · comments

After upgrading to Sonoma 14.4.1 (skipping 14.4.0), the SecretAgent is locking up regularly. The symptom is ssh blocking indefinitely while waiting for the SecretAgent. If the SecretAgent is killed (e.g. by pkill SecretAgent), ssh works fine for a little while.
Unfortunately, I do not know where to look for the log file of the SecretAgent.

I'm not aware of any known issues on 14.4.1 (that's what I'm using) – can you take a sample of SecretAgent next time this happens? Open Activity Manager and select "Sample Process" here:

I also have this on macOS 14.5

Same here, since yesterday it started to consume a lot of CPU for the initial SSH connection while also taking several seconds to complete.

I am running macOS 14.5 since around 10 days & build 2.4.1 since months, but it started to get slow yesterday.

Just to add — it happens more frequently when there is a VSCode opened and doing background repo refresh.
Which hasn't been an issue with previous macOS/Secretive versions.

I am seeing this issue as well. When logging in, there's a STORM of messages seen in "log stream", but apparently unrelated to Secretive itself.
I think it's actually caused by iTerm, it doesn't happen in Terminal (but there are many differences between those two when it comes to sessions and stuff, so it isnt' fair to outright blame iTerm). But since that't the only thing I regularly update (running nightly build), I think it points to that.

Ok, I'm more ready to blame iTerm now :) Apparently 3.5.0 came out May 17th. As I'm running nightly I didn't really notice anything. Downgrading to 3.4.23 fixes the issue, upgrading to 3.5.0 brings it back. I'm not sure how long I had this issue without noticing, but it can't be that long, I also skipped a few nightlies so it could be 2 weeks. Something just before the release broke it.

The issue persists, and I'm not using iTerm. It is not a delay, the process is stuck until killed. I now have a job which kills the process every 10 Minutes which alleviates the problem.

I think that's a separate issue. I see high CPU usage and delay when the agent is signing.

iterm 3.5.1 resolves the issue for me

Likewise! It's like night and day.


Still facing the issue even not having iTerm installed. I also have Visual Studio, Intellij and Warp.

Any news? I'm still affected on 14.5


same here