maxbyz / xdominion

A database abstraction layer. Use objects, not queries

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XDominion for GO v0

The XDominion library is used to build object instead of queries to access any database. Queries are build on demand based on the type of database. Do not write queries anymore, but use objects.

Because you need to compile, add the database drivers directly into the code, XDominion support only posgresql in this version. More databases will be supported later.

XDominion is the Go adaptation of PHP7-Dominion libraries: a full database abstraction layer


  • text, float, time, date, lob fields
  • Joins
  • Sub Queries
  • Group and report functions
  • Synchro to upgrade DB tables and fields
  • Oracle, Informix, Mongo, other DBs


  1. Overview

XDominion is a database abstraction layer, to build and use objects of data instead of building SQL queries. The code is portable between databases with changing the implementation, since you don't use direct incompatible SQL sentences.

The library is build over 3 main objects:

  • XBase: database connector and cursors to build queries and manipulation language
    • Other included objects: XCursor
  • XTable: the table definition, data access function/structures and definition manipulation language
    • Other included objects: XField*, XConstraints, XContraint, XOrderby, XConditions, XCondition
  • XRecord: the results and data to interchange with the database
    • Other included objects: XRecords


Some code to start working:

Creates the connector to the database and connect:

  base := &xdominion.XBase{
    DBType: xdominion.DB_Postgres,
    Username: "username",
    Password: "password",
    Database: "test",
    Host: xdominion.DB_Localhost,
    SSL: false,

Executes a query:

  q, err := base.Exec("drop table test")
  if (err != nil) {

Creates a table definition:

t := xdominion.NewXTable("test", "t_")
t.AddField(xdominion.XFieldInteger{Name: "f1", Constraints: xdominion.XConstraints{
                                                  xdominion.XConstraint{Type: xdominion.PK},
                                                  xdominion.XConstraint{Type: xdominion.AI},
                                               } })   // ai, pk
t.AddField(xdominion.XFieldVarChar{Name: "f2", Size: 20, Constraints: xdominion.XConstraints{
                                                  xdominion.XConstraint{Type: xdominion.NN},
                                               } })
t.AddField(xdominion.XFieldText{Name: "f3"})
t.AddField(xdominion.XFieldDate{Name: "f4"})
t.AddField(xdominion.XFieldDateTime{Name: "f5"})
t.AddField(xdominion.XFieldFloat{Name: "f6"})

Synchronize the table with DB (create it if it does not exist)

  err = t.Synchronize()
  if (err != nil) {

Some Insert:

  res1, err := tb.Insert(xdominion.XRecord{"f1": 1, "f2": "Data line 1",})
  if (err != nil) {
  fmt.Println(res1)  // res1 is the primary key

With an error (f2 is mandatory based on table definition):

  res21, err := tb.Insert(xdominion.XRecord{"f1": 2, "f3": "test",})
  if (err != nil) {

General query (select ALL):

  res3, err := tb.Select()
  if err != nil {
  } else {
    for _, x := range res3.(xdominion.XRecords) {

Query by Key:

  res4, err := tb.Select(1)
  if err != nil {
  } else {
    switch res4.(type) {
      case xdominion.XRecord:
      case xdominion.XRecords:
        for _, x := range res4.(xdominion.XRecords) {

Query by Where:

  res5, err := tb.Select(xdominion.XConditions{xdominion.NewXCondition("f1", "=", 1), xdominion.NewXCondition("f2", "like", "lin", "and")})
  if err != nil {
  } else {
    switch res5.(type) {
      case xdominion.XRecord:
      case xdominion.XRecords:
        for _, x := range res5.(xdominion.XRecords) {


tx, err := base.BeginTransaction()
res1, err := tb.Insert(XRecord{"f1": 5, "f2": "Data line 1"}, tx)
res2, err := tb.Update(2, XRecord{"f1": 5, "f2": "Data line 1"}, tx)
res3, err := tb.Delete(3, tx)
// Note that the transaction is always passed as a parameter to the insert, update, delete operations
if err != nil {
  return err
  1. Reference




Version Changes Control

v0.4.2 - 2022-06-13

  • Correction of a bug on DoSelect with limits, a 0 limit is not a limit

v0.4.1 - 2022-01-19

  • XConditions, XCondition, XOrder, XOrderBy, XFieldSet can now be cloned with .Clone()

    v0.4.0 - 2021-12-10

    • Now all the xtable functions (Select, Update, Delete, Count, etc) can accept pointers parameters and nil casted parameters (for instance *XCondition or *XOrderBy than can be nil too).

    v0.3.3 - 2021-01-20

    • Correction to support nil transactions (no transaction even if the parameter is passed with a nil value) into select type queries (select, min, max, avg, count, ...)

    v0.3.2 - 2021-01-17

    • Implementation of transactions into select type queries (select, min, max, avg, count, ...)

    v0.3.1 - 2020-12-04

    • Implementation of indexes creation during the table synchronization. Supports now index, unique index, multiple index and multiple unique index.

    v0.3.0 - 2020-11-10

    • Implementation of transactions, new XTransaction object and functions to create a transaction, commit or rollback it.

    v0.2.3 - 2020-06-03

    • Upgrade to xcore/v2
    • Modularization with go.mod

    v0.2.2 - 2020-06-03

    • Bug Corrected on Clonation of XRecord, it now consider XRecords (via interface Clone() XDatasetCollectionDef) as possible subset to clone too.

    v0.2.1 - 2020-02-11

    • Bug Corrected on String and GoString of XRecord and XRecords

    v0.2.0 - 2020-02-10

    • Modification to XRecord and XRecords to meet xcore v1.0.0 (.String and .GoString functions added, .Stringify function removed)

    v0.1.3 - 2020-01-08

    • Corrected an error in Insert, Update to use XRecordDef and XRecordsDef instead of XRecord and XRecords to be widely compatible with any entry parameter
    • All functions will auto-identify if parameters are XRecord, *XRecord, XRecords or *XRecords

    v0.1.2 - 2020-01-06

    • Corrected an error in Select, Update, Delete to use int32, int64, float32 as values
    • Added functions Min, Max, Avg

    v0.1.1 - 2019-12-17

    • Corrected an error in Upsert func that was inserting a 0 even if the key was present into the record

    v0.1.0 - 2019-12-06

    • Added new XTable Language functionality to know the default language of data into a table
    • gofmt code formated before pushing a change on github

    v0.0.15 - 2019-10-11

    • Added record conversions for float values, from string, float32, int, etc
    • Added Upsert function in table (update or insert if not exists)

    v0.0.14 - 2019-06-25

    • Added Clone on XRecord and XRecords to meet definition of xcore.XDatasetDef and xcore.XDatasetCollectionDef

    v0.0.13 - 2019-06-19

    • Error corrected on XTable.SelectAll. It was not working as expected
    • Error corrected on XRecord.GetString. was returning "" instead of "" when the database field was null

    v0.0.12 - 2019-03-06

    • Support for Time functions added in the XRecord (instanciated from XDatasetDef)

    v0.0.11 - 2019-03-01

    • Many correction on Mysql support to make it work correctly
    • Removed GetValue function from FieldDef
    • "?" implemented for fields, conditions and having queries (in select, insert, update, delete statements)
    • Values are directly passed to the query with "?", not a string representation of them

    v0.0.10 - 2019-02-18

    • Support for MySQL added
    • Queries and conditions now uses "?" or "$x" for parameters
    • Orderby implemented
    • like and ilike implemented for text fields
    • fields.GetValue function added when the code needs the raw string value (not like CreateValue where then value is created with ' for strings)

    v0.0.9 - 2019-02-15

    • New funcion for field: GetValue created
    • Error corrected on conflict between CreateValue (with ' for strings) and GetValue (for use with $d to inject into queries)

    v0.0.8 - 2019-02-14

    • XCondition works with string queries (not yet with "?" parameters)
    • Correction done on CreateValue for string fields (text, varchar, dates)

    v0.0.7 - 2019-02-05

    • Added XOrderBy, XOrder structures
    • Added XGroupBy, XGroup structures
    • Added XHaving structures
    • Error corrected on xrecord.GetTime when the field comes NIL from database
    • Added DEBUG main xdominion global variable. Set to true to print all the built queries

    V0.0.6 - 2019-01-15

    • Added conversion between types con Get* functions
    • XTable.Count implemented

    V0.0.5 - 2019-01-15

    • XTable.Update implemented
    • XTable.Delete implemented

    V0.0.4 - 2019-01-06

    • Modify XRecord to match XDataset last version (xcore 0.0.4)
    • Modify XRecords to match XDatasetCollection last version (xcore 0.0.4)

    V0.0.3 - 2018-12-19

    • XField added: Float, Date, DateTime, Text, partially implemented
    • XConditions and XCondition added, partially implemented
    • XConstraints and XConstaint added, partially implemented
    • XFieldSet added, partially implemented
    • XOrderBy added, partially implemented

    V0.0.2 - 2018-12-17

    • Postgres implementation
    • XTable created. select and insert partially done
    • XField created, Integer and VarChar partially done
    • XRecord created
    • XRecords created
    • XCursor created

    V0.0.1 - 2018-11-14

    • First commit, Eventually does not work yet
    • Base object done


A database abstraction layer. Use objects, not queries

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%