max-mapper / yo-yo

A tiny library for building modular UI components using DOM diffing and ES6 tagged template literals

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Adding select options always sets select value to last item

timwis opened this issue · comments

If you have an empty <select> box and then later add items to it, the "selection" (value) of the select box always seems to be set to the final item. I would expect it to be set to the first item, as it is when you first load a select box with items in it and no explicit value set.

In my case, I'd like to keep it focused on the option that says "Select..." until the user actually selects something.

Here's a small test case. I think requirebin's gatekeeper server is down so I can't post a demo.

const yo = require('yo-yo')

const View = (items) => yo`
      ? yo`<option value="">Select...</option>`
      : ''}
    ${ => yo`

const noItems = []
const viewA = View(noItems)


window.setTimeout(() => {
  const aFewItems = ['a', 'b', 'c']
  const viewB = View(aFewItems)
  yo.update(viewA, viewB)
}, 3000)

Any idea what's wrong?

does this work?

? yo`<option value="" selected>Select...</option>`

That doesn't seem to have an effect :/