max-mapper / yo-yo

A tiny library for building modular UI components using DOM diffing and ES6 tagged template literals

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hot module reload : yoyo webpack

SilentCicero opened this issue · comments


Anyone have any ideas about adding hot module reload for yoyo template objects?

My current incomplete code:

//   ./yoyo-hot-loader.js
module.exports = function(source) {
  if ((source.indexOf('yo`') > -1 || source.indexOf("yo-yo") > -1) && source.indexOf("") === -1) {
    source += "if( {";
    source += ";";
    source += "}";

    return source;

  return null;

I'm not to familiar with the webpack hot reload plugin. Currently, this does hot reload but does not remove the old code. Ideas?

Here is the API:


cc/ @shama - I reckon you might be the bestest person of us all to solve this, hah ✨ - I have no idea how to webpack


@yoshuawuyts lolol. Oh god. Well it is a mess of a system, but powerful.

Really like yoyo, want to build with it. I have big plans for these little modules. And sheet-router is awesome =D


This seems of use as well @shama - fairly simple

I haven't used yo-yo or bel with webpack yet but it should just work. When I get some time I'll play around with it a bit.