maurycyw / StaggeredGridView

A modified version of Android's experimental StaggeredGridView. Includes own OnItemClickListener and OnItemLongClickListener, selector, and fixed position restore.

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BenMoment opened this issue · comments

Hi. Appreciate your work. Do you think there should be an easy way of adding a footer view to the grid? Been trying to think of one.

Well I believe ListView keeps track of the header and footer views in two separate ArrayList's via a FixedViewInfo class. If any headers or footers exist it wraps the adapter in a HeaderViewListAdapter. From what I can tell recycling seems to be mostly what StaggeredGridView would need to worry about otherwise it should be fairly simple to implement ( I am going to probably regret saying this ).

If you manage to implement this then please send a pull request my way. This seems like a fun problem to solve so if you cant figure this one out I will take a look once I manage to find some free time.

@BenMoment Since the regular GridVIew does not support a header and footer, I don't believe the StaggeredGridView should support one either. Thoughts? @vinc3m1 @maurycyw

I agree for now. If there's a nice and clean implementation, I'm all for it, but until then...

Cool, then I'll close for now.