maurerit / abandapart

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Tech 3 Blueprint lookup doesn't appear to work properly

maurerit opened this issue · comments

Asked the industrybot to calculate build costs for a proteus and he sent:

"systemName": "Atreen",
"requestedBuildTypeId": 29988,
"requestedBuildTypeName": "Proteus",
"industrySkills": {
"preference": null,
"industrySkillLevel": 5,
"advancedIndustrySkillLevel": 5,
"industrySkillLevelMultiplier": null,
"advancedIndustrySkillLevelMultiplier": null
"inventionSkills": {
"preference": null,
"encryptionSkillLevel": 4,
"datacoreOneSkillLevel": 3,
"datacoreTwoSkillLevel": 3,
"encryptionSkillLevelMultiplier": null,
"datacoreOneSkillLevelMultiplier": null,
"datacoreTwoSkillLevelMultiplier": null
"meLevel": 10,
"teLevel": 20,
"decryptor": null,
"findPrices": false,
"useBuildOrBuyConfigurations": false,
"buildOrBuyConfigurationList": null

to a worker. Seems the type lookup is perfect but anything else... nothing :(.

The same symptoms are also affecting Tech 1, bumping this up in priority.

Sheesh... I don't even know my own architecture :P. This is exactly what the industry bot should be doing... sending a request for a type with extra metadata to a calculator. The calculator is getting a null pointer when attempting to access something either from the request or the resulting found bpData object.