maudzung / Self-Driving-Car-04-Behavior-Cloning

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Behavioral Cloning Project


The full demostration is at



The steps of this project are the following:

  • Use the simulator to collect data of good driving behavior
  • Build a convolution neural network in Keras that predicts steering angles from images
  • Train and validate the model with a training and validation set
  • Test that the model successfully drives around track one without leaving the road
  • Summarize the results with a written report

(I check the rubric points)

Source code structure

My project includes the following files:

├──images/ (Images for writing the note)
├── (containing the script to load data information and create data generators for training and validation set
├── (for driving the car in autonomous mode)
├── (containing the script to create and train the model)
├──model.h5 (containing a trained convolution neural network)
├── (summarizing the results)
├──video.mp4 (for demostration of the results)
├── (write images (after running to a video)
├── (for augmentation dataset)


Data collection

I collected data with udacity self-driving car simulator (downloaded Simulator Term 1 here). The Udacity simulator has two modes, training and autonomous, and two tracks. Training mode is to log the data for learning the driving behaviour.

My strategy for data collection:

  • Three laps of center lane driving
  • Two laps of recovery driving from the sides
  • One lap focusing on driving smoothly around curves

The simulator car had 3 front cameras that are the left camera, the right camera, and the center camera. I collected and used all images from the three cameras to train and validate my model.

The setup of cameras and steering control were described in the below figure:


Data Pre-process & Augmentation

First, I applied random horizontal flip and random brightness to the original image.

Random horizontal flip:

Random horizontal flip

Random brightness:

Random brightness

Second, I cropped the original image to remove the head of the car and the scence that is too far from the car. crop

Third, I normalized images to a range of -0.5 to 0.5 (line #27 in the

I tried to resize images to a size of (66, 200, 3) and convert the RGB images to YUV spaces as mentioned in the papers. However, results were not good, so I decided to not apply the resizing and converting steps.

Model Architecture

My model bases on Nvidia model. It consists of 9 layers, including a normalization layer, 5 convolutional layers, and 4 fully connected layers ( lines 18-43). I tried to applied Dropout layers before Fully connected layers, but results are not good.

Model architecture:


Training Strategy

  • I randomly shuffled the data set and separated the collected data into two parts: 80% for training, 20% for validation (line #67 in
  • The model used an adam optimizer, the learning rate was set to 0.001 ( line 25).
  • The batch size is 64.
  • I trained the model with 10 epochs.

The progress of training as below: progress

How to run

Using the Udacity provided simulator and my file, the car can be driven autonomously around the track by executing

python model.h5

Optionally, the speed of the car could be changed in line #50 in file. By default, the speed was set to 9 MPH.



Language:Python 100.0%