matyunya / smelte

UI framework with material components built with Svelte and Tailwind CSS

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Unwanted CSS-classes purged (NavigationDrawer)

marek-polak opened this issue · comments


Found a strange problem when building svelte for production - NavigationDrawer, which was visible while running in DEV-mode just fine, wasn't shown in apache2. It was in the DOM, but with 0px width.

Problem was missing .drawer.svelte-6qcjcu class in global.css, which specifies min-width of the element: min-width: 250px:

This class was purged in rollup-plugin-smelte.js, as it wasn't configured in its default whitelist.

Workaround for me was to use whitelistPatternsChildren in rollup.config as this:

  ...your plugins, 
    purge: production,
    output: "public/global.css", // it defaults to static/global.css which is probably what you expect in Sapper 
    postcss: [], // Your PostCSS plugins
    whitelist: [], // Array of classnames whitelisted from purging
    whitelistPatterns: [], // Same as above, but list of regexes
    whitelistPatternsChildren: [/draw.*/], // regexp for missing '.drawer' class

Could you add drawer to the default whitelist in the plugin config?
And maybe check for other classes which could be accidentally purged this way?
