Feature request: Create a sidebar-config.json/yaml per project
gustavomassa opened this issue · comments
It's hard to use mocha-sidebar inside a work-space with multiple projects, since the extension configuration is global, there is just one file glob option.
The idea is to have a mocha-sidebar configuration file per project and a list/combo-box on the sidebar to select which project you want to see/filter/run/debug the tests.
I forked the project and created the develop branch using gitflow.
My idea is to migrate the project to typescript and then start the new features, I still have some compilation errors that I would like you to review, if possible. I really would like to help you with the extension, but I'm not a big fan of raw javascript, migrating to typescript and re-factoring the code would be much easier to maintain and add new features.
Next steps: Make the code compile and work, then start adding types for variables and functions and creating interfaces for all the classes/objects.
To compile the project: npm run compile