mattshma / bigdata


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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

hive 报错:java.lang.RuntimeException: serious problem

mattshma opened this issue · comments

执行 hive 语句时,报错如下:

Failed with exception java.lang.RuntimeException: serious problem

查看 hive.log ,发现是 OOM 导致的,修改 hive gateway 中 中 HADOOP_HEAPSIZE到一个比较大的值,仍然报该错,索性将语句调整到 mr 执行,设置 set hive.fetch.task.conversion=none;,再执行 hive 语句即可。

    Some select queries can be converted to single FETCH task 
    minimizing latency.Currently the query should be single 
    sourced not having any subquery and should not have
    any aggregations or distincts (which incurrs RS), 
    lateral views and joins.
    1. minimal : SELECT STAR, FILTER on partition columns, LIMIT only
    2. more    : SELECT, FILTER, LIMIT only (+TABLESAMPLE, virtual columns)