MattRyanCo / emare-git

My Git configuration.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

salcode Git Configuration

Git Aliases

git can-ff-merge [branch]

Alias to check if merging [branch] into the current branch can be done as a fast-forward merge. (i.e. checks if current branch is an ancestor of [branch])

See Check If We Can Do a Git Fast-Forward Merge.

git d-b

Alias for git branch --delete @{-1} to delete the previous branch.

See Git Previous Branch.

git drb

Alias for git push origin --delete $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) to delete the remote branch with the same name as the current branch from the remote origin.

See Deleting Remote Branches.

git lg

Decorated version of git log --oneline --graph.

See Improve Git Log.

git open-pr-github [targetBranch]

Alias to open a GitHub URL for the current repo to create a pull request from the current branch into the [targetBranch]. If the [targetBranch] is not provided, the PR will target the default branch on the repo.

Note: This requires the upstream reference is defined for the current branch, so using git push --set-upstream (or git push -u) when pushing the branch is necessary.

See Git Alias Open Pull Request on GitHub.

git please

Alias for git push --force-with-lease.

See Never use git push force.

git recover-rejected-commit

Alias to create a commit and pre-fill the commit message with the most recent commit message entered. This is useful to recover a commit message when commit validation fails.

See Recover failed Git commit message

git track-origin-same-branch-name

Alias for git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD).

See There is no tracking information for the current branch.



Set commit.verbose = true to display the changes in the comments of the commit.

See Git Preview Changes in Commit Message.


Set push.autoSetupRemote = true to configure Git to treat git push as if it were git push --set-upstream. This helps with the "There is no tracking information for the current branch." message that can occur on git pull because now the tracking information is automatically set when you do a git push.

See Git autoSetupRemote Prevents "no tracking information" Error.

Note: This only works on Git version 2.38 (released 2022-10-03) or greater.


Set push.default = current to define the behavior of git push

push the current branch to update a branch with the same name on the receiving end

See Git config push.default and Git push default – difference between simple, matching, current, etc.


Set rebase.autosquash = true to move fixup commits to the appropriate position (and mark them fixup) when doing an interactive rebase.

See Autosquashing Git Commits


  • Clone this repo into a location (e.g. ~/salcode-git)
git clone ~/salcode-git
  • Modify your default Git config file (~/.gitconfig) to include the config from this project. e.g. add
  path = ~/salcode-git/gitconfig


My Git configuration.

License:MIT License