mattnotmitt / doxygen-action

GitHub Action for generating Doxygen documentation for your projects.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

not generating latex documentation

iulusoy opened this issue · comments

Hi, when I put
enable-latex: true
in my action file, I receive the warning
Warning: Unexpected input(s) 'enable-latex', valid inputs are ['entryPoint', 'args', 'doxyfile-path', 'working-directory']
and no latex output is generated (only html). I guess I have to push the latex document to my repository too, but just looking at the action output there is no latex command executed. GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES in my Doxyfile.

This is my main.yml:
name: CI
branches: [ master ]

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Doxygen Action
uses: mattnotmitt/doxygen-action@v1.1.0
# Working directory
working-directory: "." # default is .
# Path to Doxyfile
doxyfile-path: "./doc/Doxyfile" # default is ./Doxyfile
enable-latex: true

If you want any non-breaking changes to the action change your
uses: mattnotmitt/doxygen-action@v1.1.0
uses: mattnotmitt/doxygen-action@v1
or if you want a static version, go with
uses: mattnotmitt/doxygen-action@v1.2.1