mattn / go-sqlite3

sqlite3 driver for go using database/sql

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Cross platform build failed

elgs opened this issue · comments

When I tried to build from OS X for Linux, it says:

$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go install
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:241 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:256 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:296 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:309 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:339 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:342 unknown #: elif
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:343 macro redefined: SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:344 macro redefined: SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:345 unknown #: elif
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:346 macro redefined: SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:347 macro redefined: SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT
too many errors

try to set CC=clang or CC=gcc

On 1/29/14, elgs wrote:

When I tried to build from OS X for Linux, it says:
$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go install

../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:241 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:256 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:296 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:309 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:339 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:342 unknown #: elif
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:343 macro redefined: SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:344 macro redefined: SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:345 unknown #: elif
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:346 macro redefined: SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:347 macro redefined: SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT
too many errors

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:

  • Yasuhiro Matsumoto

Seems to be the same:

$ CC=clang GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go install
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:241 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:256 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:296 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:309 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:339 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:342 unknown #: elif
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:343 macro redefined: SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:344 macro redefined: SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:345 unknown #: elif
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:346 macro redefined: SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:347 macro redefined: SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT
too many errors
108:gsyncd elgs$ CC=gcc GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go install
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:241 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:256 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:296 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:309 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:339 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:342 unknown #: elif
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:343 macro redefined: SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:344 macro redefined: SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:345 unknown #: elif
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:346 macro redefined: SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:347 macro redefined: SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT
too many errors

The same happens for me. I am using an amd64 linux and trying to compile for windows, os x and freebsd. All of them fail with the same message.

$ GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go install
./sqlite3.c:241 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:256 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:296 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:309 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:339 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:342 unknown #: elif
./sqlite3.c:343 macro redefined: SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR
./sqlite3.c:344 macro redefined: SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT
./sqlite3.c:345 unknown #: elif
./sqlite3.c:346 macro redefined: SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR
./sqlite3.c:347 macro redefined: SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT
too many errors
$ GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go install
./sqlite3.c:241 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:256 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:296 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:309 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:339 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:342 unknown #: elif
./sqlite3.c:343 macro redefined: SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR
./sqlite3.c:344 macro redefined: SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT
./sqlite3.c:345 unknown #: elif
./sqlite3.c:346 macro redefined: SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR
./sqlite3.c:347 macro redefined: SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT
too many errors
$ GOOS=freebsd GOARCH=amd64 go install
./sqlite3.c:241 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:256 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:296 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:309 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:339 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:342 unknown #: elif
./sqlite3.c:343 macro redefined: SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR
./sqlite3.c:344 macro redefined: SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT
./sqlite3.c:345 unknown #: elif
./sqlite3.c:346 macro redefined: SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR
./sqlite3.c:347 macro redefined: SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT
too many errors

I've tried CC=gcc and CC=clang. Nothing changes.

Could you please try GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go install -x ?

Still no luck.

$ go version
go version go1.2 darwin/amd64
32:gsyncd elgs$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go -x install
flag provided but not defined: -x
Go is a tool for managing Go source code.


    go command [arguments]

The commands are:

    build       compile packages and dependencies
    clean       remove object files
    env         print Go environment information
    fix         run go tool fix on packages
    fmt         run gofmt on package sources
    get         download and install packages and dependencies
    install     compile and install packages and dependencies
    list        list packages
    run         compile and run Go program
    test        test packages
    tool        run specified go tool
    version     print Go version
    vet         run go tool vet on packages

Use "go help [command]" for more information about a command.

Additional help topics:

    c           calling between Go and C
    gopath      GOPATH environment variable
    importpath  import path syntax
    packages    description of package lists
    testflag    description of testing flags
    testfunc    description of testing functions

Use "go help [topic]" for more information about that topic.

It must be GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go install -x with the -x after install. I think that $CC does nothing for go. When I use it it still uses go's 6c. Example:

$ CC=gcc GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go install -x
mkdir -p $WORK/
mkdir -p $WORK/
cd /home/iron4o/gopath/src/
/home/iron4o/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/6c -F -V -w -I $WORK/ -I /home/iron4o/go/pkg/windows_amd64 -o $WORK/ -D GOOS_windows -D GOARCH_amd64 ./sqlite3.c
./sqlite3.c:241 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:256 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:296 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:309 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:339 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:342 unknown #: elif
./sqlite3.c:343 macro redefined: SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR
./sqlite3.c:344 macro redefined: SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT
./sqlite3.c:345 unknown #: elif
./sqlite3.c:346 macro redefined: SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR
./sqlite3.c:347 macro redefined: SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT
too many errors

Also, I've found this . Seems like it is on the subject. CGO_ENABLED is forcefully set to 0 when corss compiling for some reason.

Thanks @ironsmile, this time I got some more error messages:

$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go install -x
mkdir -p $WORK/
mkdir -p $WORK/
cd /Volumes/User/Home/Dev/Go/gsyncd/src/
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.2/libexec/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/6g -o $WORK/ -p -complete -D _/Volumes/User/Home/Dev/Go/gsyncd/src/ -I $WORK -I /Volumes/User/Home/Dev/Go/gsyncd/pkg/linux_amd64 ./index.go
mkdir -p $WORK/
mkdir -p $WORK/
cd /Volumes/User/Home/Dev/Go/gsyncd/src/
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.2/libexec/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/6c -F -V -w -I $WORK/ -I /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.2/libexec/pkg/linux_amd64 -o $WORK/ -D GOOS_linux -D GOARCH_amd64 ./sqlite3.c
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:241 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:256 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:296 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:309 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:339 unknown #: if
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:342 unknown #: elif
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:343 macro redefined: SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:344 macro redefined: SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:345 unknown #: elif
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:346 macro redefined: SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR
../../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:347 macro redefined: SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT
too many errors
cd /Volumes/User/Home/Dev/Go/gsyncd/src/
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.2/libexec/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/pack grcP $WORK $WORK/ $WORK/
mkdir -p /Volumes/User/Home/Dev/Go/gsyncd/pkg/linux_amd64/
cp $WORK/ /Volumes/User/Home/Dev/Go/gsyncd/pkg/linux_amd64/

Now I'm wondering if it is not possible to do cross platform compile as it contains c program, so it is not in pure go?

Well It seems it is exactly that. For example when building for my native machine with CGO_ENABLED=0 I did get the same message:

$ CGO_ENABLED=0 go install -x
mkdir -p $WORK/
mkdir -p $WORK/
cd /home/iron4o/gopath/src/
/home/iron4o/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/6c -F -V -w -I $WORK/ -I /home/iron4o/go/pkg/linux_amd64 -o $WORK/ -D GOOS_linux -D GOARCH_amd64 ./sqlite3.c
./sqlite3.c:241 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:256 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:296 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:309 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:339 unknown #: if
./sqlite3.c:342 unknown #: elif
./sqlite3.c:343 macro redefined: SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR
./sqlite3.c:344 macro redefined: SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT
./sqlite3.c:345 unknown #: elif
./sqlite3.c:346 macro redefined: SQLITE_INT_TO_PTR
./sqlite3.c:347 macro redefined: SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT
too many errors

On the other hand when I try to cross compile with CGO_ENABLED=1 I got the hardcoded message

$ CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go install -x
mkdir -p $WORK/runtime/cgo/_obj/
mkdir -p $WORK/runtime/
go build runtime/cgo: cannot use cgo when compiling for a different operating system

You can find it in the go build tool source:

iron4o$ search 'cannot use cgo when compiling for a different operating system'
cmd/go/build.go-    if goos != toolGOOS {
cmd/go/build.go:        return nil, nil, errors.New("cannot use cgo when compiling for a different operating system")
cmd/go/build.go-    }

I am thinking of removing this and rebuilding my go tools :D But that will be left for later.

@ironsmile WOW, what a hack you are going to do!
Now I think it's reasonable that by the nature of C, it might be not that easy to compile a Windows executable from a Mac, or Linux.

@elgs Are you compiling windows executable!?

Yeah I'm also having the same issue... nothing seems to be working. I tried this and it still didn't compile.

Having the same issue with cross-building on osx for linux amd64

I'm having a similar issues trying to cross-compile a windows executable from a 32-bit debian machine:

../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:92 unknown #: if
../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:94 6c: No such file or directory: mingw.h
../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:92 unknown #: if
../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:94 8c: No such file or directory: mingw.h

Looks to me like it's searching for a hardcoded mingw header file.

@mattn, sorry for a late reply. Yes. I'm compiling windows executable. Finally I was able to compile both win32 and win64 executables from mingw32, but with mingw64, I can only compile win64 executable.

@elgs What error message did you get on mingw64?

As reported here!topic/golang-nuts/0pm23TkuCKQ
cgo is disabled on cross-compilation :(

CL57100043 was merged. Still have problem?

Retrying with HEAD

@mattn I'm sorry I have wiped out my mingw64 environment as building that windows executable was a one off thing last time. I will try to reproduce the same problem again and come back here with my update.

NP :)


I have the same problem that @jordan-wright had, have you been able to fix it?

I am trying to build my project here: (darwin/amd64) but I get this output:

../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:92 unknown #: if
../../mattn/go-sqlite3/sqlite3.c:94 6c: No such file or directory: mingw.h
[golang-sh]$ echo cleaning...
exit status 2

I will be happy to provide any more information than you need or do any other test, but "sadly", I am going to be disconnected for few days (sorry in advance).


Adding to this, I see the same when trying to compile for 32 bits on 64 bit Linux (not trying to cross compile to another OS, although that would be nice too);

jb@udev2:~ $ go get
jb@udev2:~ $ GOARCH=386 go get
src/ unknown #: if
src/ 8c: No such file or directory: mingw.h
jb@udev2:~ $ go env
GOGCCFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fmessage-length=0"
jb@udev2:~ $ 

As the fix under should be now in the 1.3 release, is there any chance to get cross compilation working?

With Go 1.3 I'm getting ATM:

go build no buildable Go source files in /Users/marc/dev/go/src/

I'm on OS X and trying to build for ARM

GOARCH=arm GOARM=6 GOOS=linux go build main.go

Hello !
I have the same problem that @marcboeker had, have you been able to fix it?

Hello !
I'm on XP and trying to build for LINUX With Go 1.3
get problem

d:\go\go\src\pkg\\mattn\go-sqlite3\sqlite3.c:92 unknown #: if
d:\go\go\src\pkg\\mattn\go-sqlite3\sqlite3.c:94 8c: No such file or directory: mingw.h

Use goxc. And cross-compilable C compiler.

change to goxc ,it is work good---A simple example is good work,BUT +go-sqlite3 I get
\sqlite3.c:92 unknown #: if sqlite3.c:94 8c: No such file or directory: mingw.h
ubunto1404 +go1.3
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install mercurial
sudo apt-get install mingw32 mingw32-binutils mingw32-runtime
go get
goxc -t

I've tried it also with goxc, but had no luck on my Mac.

~/go/src/ unknown #: if
~/go/src/ 5c: No such file or directory: mingw.h
[goxc:xc] 2014/07/19 09:03:14 'go' returned error: exit status 2
[goxc:xc] 2014/07/19 09:03:14 Error: exit status 2

@kc87654321 Are you using gc or gccgo as a compiler? Could you please post your command including all the args you are using? Thanks

change to goxc ,it is work good---A simple example is good work,BUT +go-sqlite3 I get
\sqlite3.c:92 unknown #: if sqlite3.c:94 8c: No such file or directory: mingw.h
ubunto1404 +go1.3
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install mercurial
sudo apt-get install mingw32 mingw32-binutils mingw32-runtime
go get
goxc -t

As I wrote, please use cross compiler.

On 7/20/14, kc87654321 wrote:

change to goxc ,it is work good---A simple example is good work,BUT
+go-sqlite3 I get
\sqlite3.c:92 unknown #: if sqlite3.c:94 8c: No such file or directory:
ubunto1404 +go1.3
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install mercurial
sudo apt-get install mingw32 mingw32-binutils mingw32-runtime
go get
goxc -t

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:
#106 (comment)

  • Yasuhiro Matsumoto

With CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=6 go install -x I get

mkdir -p $WORK/runtime/cgo/_obj/
mkdir -p $WORK/runtime/
cd /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.3/libexec/src/pkg/runtime/cgo
CGO_LDFLAGS="-g" "-O2" "-lpthread" /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.3/libexec/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/cgo -    objdir $WORK/runtime/cgo/_obj/ -import_runtime_cgo=false -import_syscall=false -- -I     $WORK/runtime/cgo/_obj/ -Wall -Werror cgo.go
# runtime/cgo
clang: error: argument unused during compilation: '-mno-thumb'

And with CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=6 go install -x I get

mkdir -p $WORK/
mkdir -p $WORK/
cd /Users/marc/Temp/go/src/
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.3/libexec/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/5g -o $WORK/ -trimpath $WORK -p -D _/Users/marc/Temp/go/src/ -I $WORK -pack ./doc.go
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.3/libexec/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/5c -F -V -w -trimpath $WORK -I $WORK/ -I /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.3/libexec/pkg/linux_arm -o $WORK/ -D GOOS_linux -D GOARCH_arm ./sqlite3.c
/Users/marc/Temp/go/src/ unknown #: if
/Users/marc/Temp/go/src/ 5c: No such file or directory:    mingw.h

And goxc -arch arm -bc arm -os linux -d=/Users/marc/Desktop gives me

/Users/marc/Temp/go/src/ unknown #: if
/Users/marc/Temp/go/src/ 5c: No such file or directory: mingw.h
[goxc:xc] 2014/08/01 23:31:13 'go' returned error: exit status 2
[goxc:xc] 2014/08/01 23:31:13 Error: exit status 2
[goxc:xc] 2014/08/01 23:31:13 Have you run `goxc -t` for this platform (arm,linux)???
[goxc:xc] 2014/08/01 23:31:13 Multiple errors (returning first one): [exit status 2]
[goxc:xc] 2014/08/01 23:31:13 Stopping after 'xc' failed with error 'exit status 2'
[goxc] 2014/08/01 23:31:13 RunTasks returned error exit status 2

Looks like the header file points to the wrong path oder my environment is screwed up...

please use cross compiler.

On 8/2/14, Marc Boeker wrote:

With CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=6 go install -x I get

mkdir -p $WORK/runtime/cgo/_obj/
mkdir -p $WORK/runtime/
cd /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.3/libexec/src/pkg/runtime/cgo
CGO_LDFLAGS="-g" "-O2" "-lpthread"

/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.3/libexec/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/cgo - objdir
$WORK/runtime/cgo/_obj/ -import_runtime_cgo=false -import_syscall=false --
-I $WORK/runtime/cgo/_obj/ -Wall -Werror cgo.go
# runtime/cgo
clang: error: argument unused during compilation: '-mno-thumb'

And with CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=6 go install -x I get

mkdir -p $WORK/
mkdir -p $WORK/
cd /Users/marc/Temp/go/src/
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.3/libexec/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/5g -o

$WORK/ -trimpath $WORK -p -D
_/Users/marc/Temp/go/src/ -I $WORK -pack
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.3/libexec/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/5c -F -V -w
-trimpath $WORK -I $WORK/ -I
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.3/libexec/pkg/linux_arm -o
$WORK/ -D GOOS_linux -D GOARCH_arm
/Users/marc/Temp/go/src/ unknown
#: if
/Users/marc/Temp/go/src/ 5c: No
such file or directory: mingw.h

And goxc -arch arm -bc arm -os linux -d=/Users/marc/Desktop gives me

/Users/marc/Temp/go/src/ unknown

#: if
/Users/marc/Temp/go/src/ 5c: No
such file or directory: mingw.h
[goxc:xc] 2014/08/01 23:31:13 'go' returned error: exit status 2
[goxc:xc] 2014/08/01 23:31:13 Error: exit status 2
[goxc:xc] 2014/08/01 23:31:13 Have you run goxc -t for this platform
[goxc:xc] 2014/08/01 23:31:13 Multiple errors (returning first one):
[exit status 2]
[goxc:xc] 2014/08/01 23:31:13 Stopping after 'xc' failed with error
'exit status 2'
[goxc] 2014/08/01 23:31:13 RunTasks returned error exit status 2

Looks like the header file points to the wrong path oder my environment is
screwed up...

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:
#106 (comment)

  • Yasuhiro Matsumoto

I've tought, that goxc helps me to cross compile?
Could you please give me a short example on how to cross compile go-sqlite3 for the Raspberry Pi. That would be great. Thanks!

I think GOXC haove bug ,
than i get sqlite run in the Raspberry Pi,the Raspberry Pi need install golong, than it is good work.
if use GOXC,get many erro.

cross compiler--i thank ,it is nogood ider for no officegolanglib.
it you need go-sqlite3 work in ARM567,than use golang in the Raspberry.

You need to use cross compiler with CC_FOR_TARGET environment variable.


mattn, i'm having the same issue:
doing darwin -> linux/amd64
so if it were you, would you try something like this with goxc ?
CC_FOR_TARGET=gcc goxc ?

Yes, but you need to specify cross-platform-compiler instead of system-gcc.

I can't get it working, even not with an ARM GCC

CC_FOR_TARGET=arm-none-eabi-gcc GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=6 go build main.go
/Users/marc/Temp/go/src/ unknown #: if
/Users/marc/Temp/go/src/ 5c: No such file or directory: mingw.h


$ arm-none-eabi-gcc --version
arm-none-eabi-gcc (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors) 4.8.4 20140725 (release)  [ARM/embedded-4_8-branch revision 213147]

@mattn Could you please give me an example commandline to compile it? Thanks.

Count you try this?

$ cat > foo.c
#include <mingw.h>
int main() {}

$ arm-none-eabi-gcc foo.c

Your arm-c compiler seems having _HAVE_MINGW_H

$ arm-none-eabi-gcc foo.c
foo.c:1:19: fatal error: mingw.h: No such file or directory
 #include <mingw.h>
compilation terminated.

I'm running OS X 10.10.

Is there a way to tell gcc to not define _HAVE_MINGW_H or _HAVE__MINGW_H?

#if defined(_HAVE_MINGW_H)
# include "mingw.h"
#elif defined(_HAVE__MINGW_H)
# include "_mingw.h"

I don't understand, why GOOS=linux triggers the include of mingw on my Mac?

$ GOOS=linux go build main.go
/Users/marc/Temp/go/src/ unknown #: if
/Users/marc/Temp/go/src/ 6c: No such file or directory: mingw.h


$ GOOS=darwin go build main.go


Hey guys!

I have same problem with gcc and gocx. I don't have impressive experience with compiled languages and i hope that you can tell me what wrongs.

I've setup this package by "go get" and just include it to my source.

When i try compile it by "goxc" i get "../ 8c: No such file or directory: mingw.h".

@mattn you mentioned cross compiler, what is it? How i can install it and using? Why i've get this error message for all platforms exclude my host platform?

Thank you.

And if i run "GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build" complier works properly. I've got binary file.
But if i change GOARCH to 386 i've got the same problem related with mingw.h.

Okay, after 10 hours of researches i can do it with this link:

@marcboeker I was struggling with cross-compiling for raspberry pi as well. I ended up biting the bullet and installing Go on the RPi using and compiling natively. Make sure you set VRAM to around 16 so compilation doesn't take forever!

@imheresamir Thanks for the hint. Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing at the moment and it is so slow :) But I'm going to try the VRAM option, hopefully this speeds things up. Thanks!

@Smile42RU Thanks great post about cross compiling.
I've add link to you post on

Thanks all!

Did anyone ever get this to cross-compile to Linux from a Mac OS X?

Nope, unfortunately not :(
I'm using a second, dedicated Raspberry Pi to do the job.

@marcboeker I've had good luck using karalabe/xgo to cross-compile go-sqlite3 for ARM devices. Uses a docker linux container, but should be a lot faster than an RPi.

@hasty Awesome, thanks for the tip!

Hi, this is how I cross compile binary for freescale/arm on i386 architecture:

CC=/tools/m1sdk-tiny-1.0.0/toolchain/gcc-4.4.4-glibc-2.11.1-multilib-1.0/arm-fsl-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-linux-gcc CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build main.go


I have the same problem on osx, attempting to build linux/amd64 version for my program.

ld: unknown option: --build-id=none
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

try with export CC=gcc.

@mattn Hello,

$ CC=gcc-4.9 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=1 godep go build                                                                                                                                                 1 ↵ (go1.5.2 node@v5.0.0)
# runtime/cgo
gcc-4.9: warning: couldn't understand kern.osversion '14.3.0
# runtime/cgo
gcc-4.9: warning: couldn't understand kern.osversion '14.3.0
# runtime/cgo
gcc-4.9: warning: couldn't understand kern.osversion '14.3.0
/Users/hit9/github/oo/go/src/runtime/cgo/cgo.go:52:19: fatal error: errno.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
godep: go exit status 2

are you doing cross-compiling? when you need to use cross-compiler not host-compiler.

@mattn Thanks.

Ran into similar issue cross-compiling a linux binary on osx. Near as I can tell in my mini investigation, cross-compiling would work except that osx's implementation of the linker tool (ld) doesn't understand the --build-id=none flag, which is where it chokes. Both gcc and clang attempt to pass this flag along to ld regardless of what you do with the CC, GCO_ENABLED, etc environment variables, so it's simply not gonna work.

I have a simple work around using docker which will hopefully help others who don't want to go through the trouble of recompiling a linux version of ld for osx:

Note: Naturally a docker workaround will require that you have docker installed :)

@mattn If you think it's reasonable feel free to add it to your readme where it will be more visible. I can make a PR as well if you like.

docker run --rm -v $GOPATH:/go -w /go/src/path/to/app golang:latest go build -v

This will put your executable in the expected place, in this case, $GOPATH/src/path/to/app.

You just need to update that /go/src/path/to/app part to be your actual directory containing your app, for example, /go/src/path/

If you want this working in a script like I have (for example I use a python fabric script to build and deploy automatically), you can do the following to prep docker on osx, since otherwise it requires the "Docker Quickstart Terminal":

eval $(docker-machine env default)
docker run --rm -v $GOPATH:/go -w /go/src/path/to/app golang:latest go build -v

In theory this should work on any platform that can run docker, though I've only tried on osx.


@jeffbmartinez Thanks. Using docker is one of the way to do cross-compiling. So it's useful. If possible, could you please send me pull-request to update

Leaving this comment in the hopes it helps someone else in 2016.

Cross compiling Linux (Debian Jessie amd64) -> Windows (amd64) and OSX (amd64) worked for me with the following:

To Windows:
apt-get install gcc_mingw64
env CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc go build $appname

Follow instructions at to build apple cross compiler
env CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 CC=o64-clang go build $appname

@cprevallet Thank you, (ubuntu)work for windows.

apt-get install gcc-mingw-w64

for documentation purposes:
in order to cross compile 32bit ubuntu on a 64bit ubuntu system libc6-dev-i386 is required.
Setting CC="gcc -m32" works.

@jeffbmartinez use docker run --rm with sqlite3 , i cannot build , sth is wrong , go build -v is nothing with hold..

Thanks @jeffbmartinez, it got me on the right track to get cross compilation working for Raspberry Pi 3. In case it's useful for anyone else, here's the Dockerfile I'm using for OSX:

FROM dockcross/linux-armv7:latest

# Largely copied from the official Golang image Dockerfile

RUN set -eux; \
  wget -O go.tgz ""; \
  tar -C /usr/local -xzf go.tgz; \
  rm go.tgz; \
  export PATH="/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH"; \
	go version

ENV PATH $GOPATH/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH

RUN mkdir -p "$GOPATH/src" "$GOPATH/bin" && chmod -R 777 "$GOPATH"

And the command to build a package from the package directory:


docker run --rm -v $GOPATH:/go -w $PROJECT \
  -e "CGO_ENABLED=1" -e "GOARCH=arm" \
  go-arm-linux:latest go build .

After some searching, I found a way to cross compilation on OSX:

  1. Install cross-compiler toolchains
brew install FiloSottile/musl-cross/musl-cross
brew install mingw-w64
  1. Build with -ldflags "-linkmode external -extldflags -static"


GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 CC="/usr/local/bin/x86_64-linux-musl-gcc" CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -ldflags "-linkmode external -extldflags -static" -o [OUTPUT_BINARY]
