mattmccray / liquid.js

JavaScript port of Tobias Luetke's Liquid template engine.

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Improving this library

opened this issue · comments

Hi @mattmccray,

Thank you so much for writing this library. This is much faster & more true-to-spec than the liquid-node project.

I have a few improvements in mind I'd like to work on:

  1. Remove extending native JS objects. This has been reported in #47
  2. Make tests run in node using a Mocha runner.
  3. Switch the Rhino runner with a PhantomJS one.
  4. Move to a require-based system for both Node & browser.
  5. Publishing the library in NPM.

I see that @stewartknapman has done quite a bit of work on item 4. That could be a good starting point.

What're your thoughts on this?

Those are all things I'd love to see done. 😄

Especially 4 & 5.

Also, etc/strftime.js should move to a node-friendly (and small of size) replacement. Also also, make sure liquid.js supports any new features from the ruby version.

I find the lack of a liquid spec disturbing.

I'm glad you support my ideas. I'll get started on them as I find time.

Not sure exactly where I got up to with 4. Probably only as far as doing what I needed for whatever I was working on, then other work would have got in the way.

Also Shopify have updated the liquid docs in the last day or so: