mattma / ember-rocks

An Em(ber) command line utility to help you build an ambitious web application via `em` command

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Integration tests broken in ember-rocks 0.9.5

tomheller opened this issue · comments

I generated a new project with version 0.9.5 and tried to run ´em t´ to see if the tests were working correctly since I was having problems in an earlier version as well. It looks like the test cannot find the App variable or something in the start-app helper isn't working as expected.

Here is the output that I'm getting from ´em t´:

Integration -
Home - '/' -
"before each" hook ‣
TypeError: undefined is not a function
    at startApp (http://localhost:7357/tests/tests.js:30:28)
    at Context.<anonymous> (http://localhost:7357/tests/tests.js:96:13)
    at callFn (http://localhost:7357/tests/assets/scripts/mocha.js:4496:21)
    at (http://localhost:7357/tests/assets/scripts/mocha.js:4489:7)
    at next (http://localhost:7357/tests/assets/scripts/mocha.js:4777:10)
    at http://localhost:7357/tests/assets/scripts/mocha.js:4794:5
    at timeslice (http://localhost:7357/tests/assets/scripts/mocha.js:6218:27)
"after each" hook ‣
TypeError: Cannot read property 'destroy' of undefined
    at Context.<anonymous> (http://localhost:7357/tests/tests.js:100:25)
    at callFn (http://localhost:7357/tests/assets/scripts/mocha.js:4496:21)
    at (http://localhost:7357/tests/assets/scripts/mocha.js:4489:7)
    at next (http://localhost:7357/tests/assets/scripts/mocha.js:4777:10)
    at http://localhost:7357/tests/assets/scripts/mocha.js:4794:5
    at timeslice (http://localhost:7357/tests/assets/scripts/mocha.js:6218:27)

Can you confirm that it isn't currently working?

It does not work at the moment. ember v1.10 has some major changes on templates, and test-helpers has also changed dramatically. The previous implementation does not transfer automatically and some major work is needed in the testing space.

Help is needed

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