mattma / ember-rocks

An Em(ber) command line utility to help you build an ambitious web application via `em` command

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

em server error

karudo opened this issue · comments

karudo@Deoniss-Mac-mini ~/w/test> em new testapp
[12:45:50] [-log:] Starting to generate an application at ~/work/test/testapp
[12:45:50] [-done:] A new Ember.js mvc application have been successfully created!
[12:45:50] [-log:] NPM is installing node packages...
[12:45:50] [-done:] A new Node.js web server have been successfully created!
[12:45:50] [-log:] It may take up to 1 minute and half!
[12:45:50] [-log:] Be patient, fetching packages from internet ...
[12:48:18] [-log:] Bower is installing javascript packages...
[12:48:21] [-log:] em-cli is doing REALLY hard to initialize your repo ...
[12:48:22] [-done:] Initialized a new git repo and did a first commit
[12:48:22] [-copy:] => cd testapp # navigate to the newly created application
[12:48:22] [-copy:] => em serve # kick start the server, open project in favorite browser, auto watch file changes and rebuild the project
karudo@Deoniss-Mac-mini ~/w/test> cd testapp/
karudo@Deoniss-Mac-mini ~/w/t/testapp> em serve
[12:48:57] Using gulpfile ~/work/test/testapp/gulpfile.js
[12:48:57] Starting 'express'...
[12:48:57] Finished 'express' after 101 ms
[12:48:57] Starting 'sass'...
[12:48:58] Starting 'buildjs'...
[12:48:58] Starting 'buildhbs'...
[12:48:58] Starting 'injectLRScript'...
Starting web server on port 3001 in development mode
[12:48:58] Finished 'injectLRScript' after 49 ms
[12:48:58] Finished 'buildhbs' after 98 ms

var msg = err.trim();
TypeError: Object Error: spawn ENOENT has no method 'trim'
at ChildProcess. (/Users/karudo/work/test/testapp/node_modules/gulp-ruby-sass/index.js:101:18)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:95:17)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:808:12)

need to install sass
sudo gem install sass

@karudo Cool. Thanks for your time. It should work as advertised.