mattkrick / fast-bitset

A fast bitset with some nice methods

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Next published version?

jamesplease opened this issue · comments

Allo! When do you plan to cut the next release? Need any help with it?

Also, are you on IRC/Gitter/anything? I was literally going to write this exact library last night, then I found this on npm just a few hours after you published v1.0.0.

Ah, thanks for the reminder, just published the new one to npm (includes a forEach and getIndices). Not really sure what else it needs, I tried to roughly give it everything the java bitset has + anything I find useful, but if you need a feature feel free to make a PR. I'm on gitter under the same name.

Sweet. Thanks! Gonna close this, then. Also, I'll prob. come say 👋 on Gitter sometime.

Weird, Gitter search didn't bring up ya name