mattjj / pyhsmm-autoregressive

autoregressive plugin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Missing function named AutoRegression in module distributions

lishen opened this issue · comments

I'm having the following error when running the script:

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
9 truemodel = m.ARHSMM(
10 alpha=4.,init_state_concentration=4.,
---> 11 obs_distns=[d.AutoRegression(A=A,sigma=np.eye(2)) for A in As],
12 dur_distns=[pyhsmm.basic.distributions.PoissonDuration(alpha_0=4*25,beta_0=4)
13 for state in range(len(As))],

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'AutoRegression'

What's your version of pybasicbayes? I recently updated this code so that it only works with the github version of pybasicbayes (not the pypi version installed via pip). I haven't updated the pypi version yet, though I can soon.

Try installing a more updated pybasicbayes this way:

git clone --recursive
cd pybasicbayes
pip install -e .

Let me know if you still see a problem with the updated pybasicbayes.

The problem was solved after upgrading the pybasicbayes module.

Cool, just updated the pypi versions of pybasicbayes and pyhsmm-autoregressive so that the pip install should work.