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Spec-ulation Keynote by Rich Hickey at Clojure/conj 2016

pdurbin opened this issue · comments

"If you watch Rich Hickey's latest talk and can still defend SemVer or similar, then please write either a lot more or a lot less software." -- @brandonbloom at

I just watched "Spec-ulation Keynote" by Rich Hickey at which was the keynote from Clojure/conj 2016:

The talk was great and I'm wondering if it would be possible to get a transcript of it. @candera has mentioned many times that the Cognicast podcast ( ) is professionally transcribed these days so I'm sort of wondering if that resource could be applied to this talk. @matthiasn has said "so I hired freelancers to transcribe some talks for me. I then did the proofreading and put the transcripts on GitHub" at which is extremely generous! Thank you for all the transcripts so far!

Ah, I see that @puredanger is already listed at which is awesome so I'm pinging him as well to see if he has any thoughts on this.

Yup, Tina Pham does great work, she also did some of the transcripts on here. I'd be happy to facilitate more transcripts, but funding would have to come from some other source for the next round.

@matthiasn that makes sense. Did I do the right thing in opening this issue? I'm glad you're happy to help facilitate! If there's some other process to follow please let me know. Thanks.

@candera do you know if Rich plans to post his slides? That would actually go quite a long way. Transcripts are amazing but just having the slides to jog my memory would be very nice. Thanks.

No idea what Rich's plans are in that regard, sorry.

Rich typically does not post his slides as he prefers them to be viewed in the context of the talk.

I have created a transcript of the Spec-ulation talk, available at the link below. You are welcome to copy it into this repository, too, so more people can find it. I can create a PR here if you are interested:

PR adding transcript of Rich's Spec-ulation talk created here: #37

@jafingerhut the pull request looks great! Thank you so much for creating that transcript!