matthewp / haunted

React's Hooks API implemented for web components 👻

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4.8.0 broke builds

johanventer opened this issue · comments

The feature addition in #239 has broken builds for anyone who doesn't have @lit/reactive-element installed, as it was only added to devDependencies, so it is not installed when you npm i haunted.

Looks like it was released in the minor update from 4.7.1 -> 4.8.0. Our packages that rely on haunted and had ^4.7.1 as the dependency version no longer build, as installing dependencies now installs 4.8.0, but we don't use @lit/reactive-element, and haunted doesn't install it.

We could solve this with a peerDependency perhaps. can you workaround with skipLibCheck for now?

Why a peerDependency and not a normal one? If the code depends on it, we should in the code I think.

real dep works too. newer yarn and npm will install peerDeps automatically

Should be fixed in 4.8.1