matthewp / FSharpMonoMVCBoilerplate

A boilerplate project for building a MVC application in F# on Mono

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FSharpMonoMVCBoilerplate is a boilerplate template for making MVC (Model-View-Controller) web applications in F# on Mono (OSX or Linux). It is based on the template created by Tomas Petricek here.


Templates are written in ASPX currently, hopefully I'll be able to add support for Razor soon, since it's a bit more enjoyable to work with.

The boilplate projects works by having a minimal C# project that holds your templates, as well as a Global.asax file that simply calls the base.Start() from the F# project. Your F# project holds all of the routing, as well as controllers and models.

To compile simply run 'make', like on any other unix project.


A boilerplate project for building a MVC application in F# on Mono


Language:JavaScript 99.5%Language:ASP 0.2%Language:F# 0.2%Language:C# 0.1%