matthewmueller / x-ray

The next web scraper. See through the <html> noise.

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isUrl module breaks nesting

evilive3000 opened this issue · comments

because of this issue nested selections does not work.

I just opened a PR on that issue.

New version should be available today or tomorrow, monitor this PR.

Having a similar problem. is-url version 1.2.3 causes some problems with html as input:

x(html, '.s-result-item.celwidget', ...


TypeError: string.match is not a function
    at isUrl (...node_modules/is-url/index.js:27:22)

With is-url version 1.2.2 there are no problems.

Please try with is-url version 1.2.4, just published to npm. If you have any issues, open one against the is-url project.

thanks @davisjam! updating to version 1.2.4 resolved the issue.