matthewmueller / x-ray

The next web scraper. See through the <html> noise.

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x promise then method not working

edjroz opened this issue · comments

Subject of the issue

Promise support not working ?

Your environment

  • version of node: 8.9.1
  • version of npm: 5.5.1

Steps to reproduce

const Xray = require('x-ray');                                                                                  
const x = Xray();                                                                                               
x('', '.post', [{                                                                   
  title: 'h1 a',                                                                                                
  link: '.article-title@href'                                                                                   
}]).then(res => console.log(res));                                                                              

Expected behaviour

Should console log the array of news

Actual behaviour

TypeError: x(...).then is not a function

I'm getting the same result

me, too :(

same problem !

Looks like this might be related to #277.

Can you try installing with the repo clone URI? That might be a workaround.

@dfcowell Installing with the repo clone URI worked for me.

Any update?

v2.3.2 (the current latest version on was taken from a branch prior to Promise support being added. Promise support was committed to the tree prior to the 2.3.2 release, but the commits were not included in that release.

Would it be possible to release a new version? So that the last version include promises.

sorry for the delay on this folks, just pushed 2.3.3!


Issue can be closed.

It seems to be working. Thanks 😄