matthew-carroll / flutter_processing

A Flutter port of Processing

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flutter_processing Operation effect

peter100u opened this issue · comments

When I was using particle effects, I found that fluter_ Processing is too laggy, and the running efficiency is far less than or p5.js. I wonder if you have considered a further optimization or change the rendering engine, for example. gl
When I was using particle effects, I found that fluter_ Processing is too laggy, and the running efficiency is far less than or p5.js. I wonder if you have considered a further optimization or change the rendering engine, such as

This is the best you're going to get for the foreseeable future. I don't have any plans to change the rendering engine, because the rendering engine is Flutter. That would defeat the purpose of the project.

If you find a way to make this package work faster with Flutter then you're welcome to suggest something.

For now, this issue isn't actionable, so I'm going to close it.

ok , thank you