mattgodbolt / seasocks

Simple, small, C++ embeddable webserver with WebSockets support

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Release 1.3.2 - wrong dir name in CMakeLists

rspielmann opened this issue · comments

In order to build Release 1.3.2 ( I had to apply the patch [1] attached to this issue in order to make the build work completely.

If this hasn't been fixed in newer versions, maybe it would make sense to do so :)

[1] 001-seasocks-src-app-c-CMakeLists.txt.patch.txt


This has been fixed last year: a51be5d

Please update to a more recent version, v1.4.1 includes the fix. If you have some more minutes; I'm going to create a new release in a few minutes.

Update: v1.4.2 is available.

Thanks @offa for the feedback, shortly after creating the issue I did in fact realize that the problem had been resolved. I picked release 1.3.2 because I'm stuck with C++11 for now, and decided to patch the broken line in CMakeLists.txt myself locally. Great library, thanks for providing it :)