mattermost / mattermost-plugin-playbooks

Mattermost Playbooks enable reliable and repeatable processes for your teams using checklists, automation, and retrospectives.

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API call to create playbook run does not respect the option to attach to existing channel

bizlabs opened this issue · comments

Mattermost 7.7 introduces the option to link a playbook to an existing channel instead of creating a new channel. This works fine when creating a playbook run interactively from the web console but not when playbook run created from API.

Steps to reproduce in mattermost 7.7.1 enterprise
Go to Playbooks and create a playbook or select an existing one
Select "Link to an existing channel" under "Actions" and select a channel.
Create a playbook run using the following api call
POST 'http://localhost:8065/plugins/playbooks/api/v0/runs' {body}
playbook run and a new channel is created with same name and linked. The run is not linked to the requested link channel.
optionally, verify playbook is valid by creating a run interactively with the blue "run" button at top right of playbook page and verify that new run is linked to the channel requested in step 2.
Expected behavior
expected that the new playbook run will be linked to the existing channel requested in step 2 above.

Observed behavior (that appears unintentional)
no error message. Just doesn't link the playbook run to the expected channel


I'm having the same issue

The same for me, after creating new run via REST API it became linked to the new channel with run's name.