mattermost-community / mattermost-plugin-memes

Add culture to your Mattermost with memes 🔌

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Allow section of meme via Interactive Dialog

hanzei opened this issue · comments

Instead of having to remember all meme names, the user should be able to select the meme via a dropdown list in an interactive dialog. The dropdown list should only contain the "main" meme names, not the aliases. It's opened via /meme.

Hi, On which command the dropdowninteractive ephemeral message should open?

@M-ZubairAhmed Good, question. /meme should open it.

@M-ZubairAhmed, were you able to view the interactive dropdown and do you plan on continuing this ticket? I can remove the Up For Grabs label if so.