mattermost-community / mattermost-plugin-memes

Add culture to your Mattermost with memes 🔌

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Cyrillic symbols support

Be3yH4uK opened this issue · comments

I'd like to create memes using russian, but cyrillic symbols are displayed incorrectly (any symbol is replaced by square with a cross inside it) or don't displayed at all.

Is there any way to add cyrillic symbols support?

@Be3yH4uK Would you please post a screenshot on how it currently looks?

@hanzei sure, I'll be able to do it on Tuesday.

Here they are



@Be3yH4uK Thanks for the image. I've made this a "Help Wanted" so someone can pick to up and work on it.


I just have replaced file server/memelibrary/assets/fonts/Anton-Regular.ttf to liberation font TTF file, rebuilded assets and plugin. And cyrillic text works for me now



I just have replaced file server/memelibrary/assets/fonts/Anton-Regular.ttf to liberation font TTF file, rebuilded assets and plugin. And cyrillic text works for me now

HI! Could you send your мем-build? I try build with new font but MM can't load my build because has some troubles with arch (86/64)

I just have replaced file server/memelibrary/assets/fonts/Anton-Regular.ttf to liberation font TTF file, rebuilded assets and plugin. And cyrillic text works for me now

HI! Could you send your мем-build? I try build with new font but MM can't load my build because has some troubles with arch (86/64)
